Improving timely immunisation is key to closing the inequitable gap in immunisation rates between Aboriginal children and non-Indigenous children. Aboriginal Immunisation Officers were employed in Hunter New England Local Health District (HNELHD), New South Wales (NSW), Australia, to telephone the ...
Nearly $10m has been pledged for drug and alcohol treatment services in southern NSW, as the 2024 NSW Drug Summit kicks off in Griffith today. New post-custodial support programs, provided by Directions Health and the Riverina Medical & Dental Aboriginal Corporation, will be rolled out with the...
These analyses respond directly to standing equity debates on the relative importance of pedagogical strategies focusing on the different dimensions included in the NSW model for students of traditionally underachieving social groups (Halsey et al., 1997; Karabel & Halsey, 1977; Rowan et al., 2002...
1. University of Sydney, Faculty of Education & Social Work, 32 Terry Street, Tempe, NSW, 2044, Australia 2. University of Sydney, Faculty of Education & Social Work, 74 Curtis Road, Balmain, NSW, 2041, Australia Continue reading... To view the rest of this content please follow the ...
The higher education gap persists in the United States for underserved, first-generation, low-income minority students. They often have little knowledge of college application and future success. This mixed-method study evaluated a Northeastern university-sponsored tutorial-mentorship 2-year program, Soar...
The largest relative inequalities were observed for injuries due to exposure to fire and flame, and the largest absolute inequalities for injuries due to falls from playground equipment. Conclusion: Aboriginal children in NSW experience a significant higher burden of unintentional injury compared with ...
Charles Sevior holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) degree from the University of Melbourne, and a Master of Business and Technology (MBT) from the University of NSW / AGSM in Sydney. You may also like Telecommunications CSP Cloud Transformation: A Collaboration between Dell and Rakuten Aug ...
One feature I'm really missing from Chrome is the ability to close all the open windows of a profile. I didn't find a way to do this with Edge in case you have more than one window open with your profile. You have to close the windows one by one and once you open ...
Update 2:users report that the issue is back in Version 80.0.331.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit) Version 80.0.317.1 (Official build) canary...
In a way, RTW market is still dangerously closing the boundary and gap with fast fashion, which w 保留手表多快时尚品牌开发国际市场。 也创造巨大的快速的时尚市场 (Inditex小组, H&M,等等) 提供带来RTW的( 豪华品牌) 趋向创造他们自己的顾客。 在某一方面, RTW市场危险地仍然缩小界限和空白以快速的时尚,...