The survey has three data releases annually, including a public use file (PUF) available for download and two detailed data releases that require a data use agreement. Researchers can use the MCBS data to analyze access to healthcare, satisfaction with care, and medical conditions among Medicare...
The Joint Council concluded with a clear call for every minister and government official to take concrete steps toward realising the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, saying the success of these initiatives hinges on the unified efforts of federal, state, and local governments working in partne...
provision of services for CYP suffering from OCD. The “treatment gap” represents the difference between the 1 in 50 children who suffer from OCD at any point in time, and the negligible proportion who ever receive evidence-based treatment. The gap is further evident in the staggering delays ...
This work was supported by a cooperative funding agreement from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to Conservation Science Partners (F21AC02705-00). It was also supported [in part] by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service....
Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or other rightsholder(s); author self-archiving of the accepted manuscript version of this article is solely governed by the terms of such...
The aim of this paper is to investigate how new rules and practices in multilateral, regional and bilateral trade negotiations related to the services industries can be adopted and implemented at the business level, using the recently concluded free-trade agreement (FTA) negotiations between the EU...
Start to negotiate the standardised contractwith relevant parties, this includes the relevant entities in the case of intracompany transfer. Ensure parties signing the agreement understand the content and how to follow the requirements. Understand how to make it compatible with other international...
Gap Inc. announced in October that it would shutter 30% of its namesake and Banana Republic stores in North America by the end of 2023, “with the goal of having a smaller and healthier fleet of stores.” The move will shift most of the stores out of malls. ...
the national results of our component-level method and previous site-level synthesis results suggests much better agreement with top-down results13,34. Third, to isolate specific sources of disagreement between the GHGI and other studies, we reconstruct the GHGI emission factors beginning with the ...
global greenhouse gasses (GHGs); and as we have written before, public funding alone will not be enough to pay for what is now estimated to be a US$93.2 trillion transition1 at the scale and speed that is needed to meet the Paris Agreement goals limiting global warming to 1.5°C by ...