I have a default.aspx page that opens another page in a pop-up window. Once it does that it is supposed to close the default window using self.close. It works fine in IE but in Edge and Chrome it never closes. I need a solution that will work in all 3 browsers. Thanks! Here i...
Microsoft Edge print without dialogue Microsoft Edge Windows.PrintDialog does not appear. Microsoft Edge with Command Prompt Microsoft Edge wont let me open a pdf without a password Microsoft edge-cannot attach files in emails on outlook web app Microsoft Edge, PDFs, and javascript Microsoft Office...
You have a basic working understanding of how an equalizer or compressor plugin can be used to help tidy up voiceover recordings to give them a professional sound, but what would you do if you had to re-record some dialogue in a different space - (ie. a hotel room) - which sounds com...
Such universal computing machines would be able to win what he called the “imitation game” by persuading a person in an electronic dialogue that they were interacting with another human being, although some now argue that this so-called Turing Test may be more of a reflection on human gullib...
Sci-Fi Update:The science fiction scene on television remains weak. The "Star Trek" and "Stargate" franchises are no more, "Fringe" has veered into the silly, and TNT's "Falling Skies" is so lame in plot and dialogue it doesn't even merit an insult. Will Steven Spielberg put his na...
Actually i want to put some javascript that gives the message box like 'you have to click the submit button to close the window' and with only one botton OK. When they click 'OK ' the on the messagebox, that should return to the same page. Is that possible? Thanks, ammi All replies...
Microsoft Edge print without dialogue Microsoft Edge Windows.PrintDialog does not appear. Microsoft Edge with Command Prompt Microsoft Edge wont let me open a pdf without a password Microsoft edge-cannot attach files in emails on outlook web app Microsoft Edge, PDFs, and javascript Microsoft Office...