andblock it. Wrap it around your forearm like a sleeve. Tuck it in the back of your shirt collar and wear it around for awhile. Or if it’s for a hat, tuck it inside another hat, pressed against your forehead, and see how it feels. (And don’t forget toabuse your swatchto see...
They came out beautifully and I laid them out gently closer to my desired dimensions, so I think all is well. But I confess these embarrassments to you guys in the hope that someone (if not me) will learn from my mistakes. Block your swatch! Hasty mistake number two: I forgot to mirr...
all, except my wedding stories, werewolfs and high school years Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?place a walk in closet from get together on the lot and select the try for baby or woohoo action What happens when the bug occurs?when selected there is no action que...
Tell us about your tool preferences and peccadilloes. I think I might be kind of weird about tools — I really have so few of them and they’re all pretty basic, in both knitting and sewing. For knitting I mostly prefer wooden needles. I’ve always felt like they’re easier for my...