The strong topology of ω-plurisubharmonic\nfunctions and the set of $\\psi$-relative energy measures endowed with their strong topologies given as the coarsest refinements of the weak topologies such that ... A Trusiani - 《Analysis & Pde》 被引量: 0发表: 2020年 The ωδ-connectedness ...
In this paper we continue the study of s * g -locally closed sets and s * g -submaximal spaces in general topology. In particular it is proved that s * g -locally closed sets are closed under finite intersections. Also some implications of s * g -locally closed sets are given and we...
In every LCS X the closure of any convex set in the topology τ coincides with its weak closure. Proof. It is sufficient to prove that any τ-closed convex set E is weakly closed. By Theorem 2.6, for any x ∉ E there exists a continuous real-valued functional g x on X such that...
G. (1962). A Hausdorff topology for the closed subsets of a locally compact non-Hausdorff space. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 13, 472–476. Article MATH MathSciNet Google Scholar Feng, D.-J. and Feng, D. (2004). On a statistical framework for estimation from random set observations. J...
A set A R 2 is called invisible, if its orthogonal projection is of measure 0 in almost every direction; A is visible, if it is not invisible. We say that A is invisible from a point, if almost all lines through that point do not hit th... Marianna Csrnyei - 《Annales Academiae ...
In this paper we first introduce and study the semi-closed elements on a topological molecular lattice (TML). Furthermore, we give the structure of the finest co-topology among those co-topologies which generate the same family of semi-closed elements on a TML. Then we introduce the semi-in...
denote the set of contractible loops in X. We further put BX:=C0(B2,X) where B2 denotes the closed unit disk in R2. Definition 2.1 (1) Let A⊂Λ0X. A loop filling over A is a continuous map s:A→BX with s(γ)|S1=γ for all γ∈A. We call A a loop filling domain if...
Closed World Assumption(CWA) reasoning is a generally accepted requirement in model-driven systems. Conversely, DL reasoners usually work under theOpen World Assumption. This means that the facts asserted in the model (about the layout topology or the authorization policies) are not assumed to be...
Advances in technologies that can record and stimulate deep brain activity in humans have led to impactful discoveries within the field of neuroscience and contributed to the development of novel therapies for neurological and psychiatric disorders. Furt
The... M Barge - 《Topology Proceedings》 被引量: 2发表: 1995年 Fixed points for branched covering maps of the plane A well-known result of Brouwer states that any orientation preserving homeomorphism of the plane with no fixed points has an empty non-wandering set. In pa... A Garcia ...