To assess the outcome of patients treated with minimally invasive percutaneous plate osteosynthesis technique for closed distal tibial fractures. Methods:? The study included total of 30 patients (24males and 6females) with close distal tibia fracture, which were treated with distal tibia locking ...
[Value of intramedullary locked nailing in distal fractures of the tibia]. This study is a retrospective analysis of 38 extra-articular distal tibial fractures treated by intramedullary locked nailing. 38 patients with a distal metaphyseal extra-articular fracture (43 A AO type) or with minimal ank...
Fractures of the lower third of the tibia and fibula are common injuries. We are reporting a case of tibialis anterior tendon rupture associated with fracture of the distal third of the tibia and fibula, which is hitherto unreported to the best of our knowledge....
Methods To correct the abnormality of fracture in close reduction under the fluroscopy and fixation fracture with external fixator. 方法 透视下闭合复位纠正骨折畸形 ,用外固定架固定骨折 ,自体骨髓移植于骨折间隙。 更多例句>> 3) Close reduction of tibia 胫骨闭合复位4...
Introduction: The purpose of this research was to present our hospital results in union of fracture Tibia managed with close intramedullary interlocking nail. Methods: This research was carried out at Liaquat University of Medical and Health Science Jamshoro Pakistan from June 2020 to June 2021. A ...
[Role of centro-medullary nailing in fractures of the distal quarter of the leg: about 30 cases]. The fractures of the distal quarter of the leg are characterized by fracture line located at the level of the lower quarter of the tibia, according to Gera... O Margad,J Boukhris,H Sallah...
The medial hinge fracture sometimes occurs, especially in patients with hard bone quality. An incomplete osteotomy on the posterior cortex should be avoided by double checking if the osteotomy reaches the posteromedial corner of the hinge. If the residual cancellous bone is thick on the posterior ...
However, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report in the current literature showing a successful eradication of a multi-drug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii and Enterobacter cloacae complex in an open fracture of the proximal tibia combining the demanding procedures described above...
However,medialgroup,especiallyminimallyinvasiveplateosteosynthesis,hastheadvantageofreducingfracture healingtime,malunionanddelayedunion. Keywords:distalclosetibialfractures;medialplate;lateralplate 作者单位: 1 福建中医药大学福总教学医院骨一科,福建 福州 350108 2 南京军区福州总医院骨一科,福建 福州 350025 3 福建...
探讨3D打印阻挡钉导航模板辅助髓内钉闭合复位内固定术治疗胫骨骨折应用中置钉精的确度和手术的效果。方法:回顾性分析选取我院2017年8月~2018年11月应用髓内钉加阻挡钉闭合复位内固定术治疗闭合性中下段胫骨骨折40例,按手术方式分为导组(n = 20)和常规组(n = 20),比较两组