When constructing aninterview guidefor a user interview, try to think of a broad, open-ended version of a closed question that might get the participant talking about the question you want answered, like in the example above. When asking questions in a usability test, try to favor questions...
Closed-Ended Questions Usefulforextractingparticular information. Oftenayes/noanswer. Canbeaspecificanswer,butnot detailed. Usefulforstoppingastory thatgoesontoolong. Helpfultogetinterviewee (interviewsubject)talking. (“yes”answersaregoodto buildtheirconfidence) ...
a semi structured telephone interview was performed with a voluntary community moderator (CM) in June 2014, seeking answers to questions such as: “What have been the success factors and pitfalls of building the community? Why do people choose to work for the benefit...