Comparison of Open Versus Closed-Cell Stent Design on Periprocedural Outcomes After Carotid Artery Stenting in the Vascular Quality Initiativedoi:10.1016/j.jvs.2019.04.111Aridi, Hanaa DakourLocham, SatinderjitMathlouthi, AsmaMalas, Mahmoud B.
Regarding “Open-cell versus closed-cell stent design differences in blood flow velocities after carotid stenting” Author links open overlay panelGert BorstMD, PhDaFrans L.MollMD, PhDaJan AbertVosMDbShow more Share Cite rights and content ...
Open versus closed stent-cell design in carotid artery stenting: predicting geometrical and hemodynamic impact determination using patient-specific simulationsP. Mortier
Open versus closed stent-cell design in carotid artery stenting: predicting geometrical and haemodynamic impact determination using patient-specific simulationsEurointervention
A Comparison of Open versus Closed Cell Dedicated Venous Stents for Treatment of Chronic Iliofemoral Venous Outflow Obstructiondoi:10.1016/j.jvsv.2020.12.038Rachael MorrisNicholas JacksonTaha KhanAdam GwozdzPrakash SahaJournal of Vascular Surgery Venous and Lymphatic Disorders...
while the elements are spaced at a distance of 0.1 m for each case. A defeature size is 0.1 m, and the curvature minimum size is 0.1 m. In the boundary zone, the mesh has a maximum of twelve layers. The growth rate is 1.5. The value of the y+ in the first cell next to the ...