从上图中我们可以看到,closeStatus=1000是正常关闭,closeStatus=1006是非正常关闭,一般非正常的情况就比较复杂一些,如果你查资料,大多情况都是因为websocket 连接在nginx配置的 proxy_read_timeout 内没有收到数据,nginx主动发起的连接断开(不是客户端主动断开,也不是服务端主动断开的),本篇文章就模拟这种情况。 域...
LRESULT IMC_CLOSESTATUSWINDOW 參數 wParam 設定為 IMC_CLOSESTATUSWINDOW。 lParam 未使用。 傳回值 如果成功,則傳回 0,否則傳回非零值。 備註 當IME 狀態視窗已經隱藏時,此命令不會執行任何動作。 雖然應用程式可以將此命令傳送至 IME 視窗,但應用程式不會收到對應的IMN_CLOSESTATUSWINDOW命令。
public static final CloseStatus TERMINATED CONTINUED_AS_NEW public static final CloseStatus CONTINUED_AS_NEW TIMED_OUT public static final CloseStatus TIMED_OUT Method Detail values public static CloseStatus[] values() Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they ...
WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_PROTOCOL_ERROR_CLOSE_STATUS Value:1002 A protocol error occurred. WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_INVALID_DATA_TYPE_CLOSE_STATUS Value:1003 Invalid data received by the peer. WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_EMPTY_CLOSE_STATUS Value:1005 The close message was empty. ...
WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_PROTOCOL_ERROR_CLOSE_STATUS Value:1002 A protocol error occurred. WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_INVALID_DATA_TYPE_CLOSE_STATUS Value:1003 Invalid data received by the peer. WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_EMPTY_CLOSE_STATUS Value:1005 The close message was empty. ...
IMN_CLOSESTATUSWINDOW 參數 wParam 設定為 IMN_CLOSESTATUSWINDOW。 lParam 未使用。 傳回值 此命令沒有傳回值。 備註 如果應用程式顯示輸入法的狀態視窗,應用程式應該處理此命令。 IME 視窗會在處理此命令時關閉狀態視窗。 規格需求 需求值 最低支援的用戶端 ...
status The close status that must match the close status of an execution for it to meet the criteria of this filter. Type: String Valid Values: COMPLETED | FAILED | CANCELED | TERMINATED | CONTINUED_AS_NEW | TIMED_OUT Required: Yes...
Spring Boot 2.1.4 on client, gateway and server. Client receives:CloseStatus[code=1000, reason=null] Spring Boot 2.1.4 on gateway, server and com.neovisionaries:nv-websocket-client. Client receives:WebSocketFrame(FIN=1,RSV1=0,RSV2=0,RSV3=0,Opcode=CLOSE,Length=0,CloseCode=1005,Reason=null...
Version: Jetty 9.3.6. Jetty web socket native web socket implementation (not JSR-356). Invoking Session.close() the web socket closes successfully and the on close handler is executed. However if I attempt to close the web socket using e...