Close Your Eyes (2023) 这篇影评可能有剧透 这是我第一次完全地预感到了一部电影结束的时间与方式:在那个瞬间,我能做的只有闭上眼睛,出于某种无法说明的原因。我感到非常幸运,2025年开年看的第一部影片便如此喜爱,也许这预示了接下来一年我将有机会看到更多这般动人的电影。不得不说,我被开头骗住了——如此...
widened outlook, “Close Your Eyes” rewards viewers’ patience and faith, not just in the filmmaker but in film itself, while the arc of Miguel’s life comes to seem less a retreat from greatness than a winnowing to essential pleasures. A wonderful homecoming passage set in the Almerian be...
Close Your Eyes.(Movie Review)Melomet, Andrew
eyes 闭上眼睛就能见到你的微笑Close your eyes 闭上眼睛奔向希望的你 就能永远生命长存无论怎样 我既然不畏艰难走了过来如果再生 我还想呼唤你的名字傍晚夜幕垂落之后 明天一定就会到来如果再生我决不放弃持久的等待请你在回到我的胸中让我拥抱你那无所畏惧的勇气默默无闻开在海上的白色花朵们现在纷纷在我身上 ...
Close your eyes to see D.S 提示:这篇影评可能有剧透 一部有点新意的美式恐怖片,不改一贯的血腥场面。 电影描述的是一个会腹语会制作玩偶的老太太复仇的故事,不,应该是一个玩偶表演者鬼魂复仇的故事。你喜欢收藏玩偶吗,你喜欢和玩偶独自对话吗,你会对着玩偶吐露心声吗,你相信他们是有灵气的吗。嘘,也许你是...
‘Scrap’ Review: A Repetitive But Endearing Coming-Of-Middle-Age Drama About Sibling Love Oct 2DMT The Celebration of Mimi: Inside Sold-Out Opening Night of Mariah Carey’s Las Vegas Residency Apr 16The Hollywood Reporter - Movie News ...
Furthermore, just because someone is accepted by everyone there but one person doesn’t necessarily mean the accepting ones always have the right reaction or response to a tumultuous dynamic. Also, in an age where nearly every major Hollywood movie can’t help but preach the importance of famil...
And then the movie decides to “humanize” her in the most obvious way possible, and suddenly it becomes less special. You’ll know the moment when you see it. It doesn’t merely answer a question you never would have asked in a film about a similarly strong-silent male character; it ...
MOVIE REVIEW: Too close for comfort; One-note, teen-angst tone mars Gardos' autobiographical 'American Rhapsody'; 'Rhapsody' has false ring to it.(Scene) 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 6 作者: P Sherman 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 ...
Edit Runtime 2hours18minutes Color Color Aspect ratio 2.39 : 1 Steven Spielberg fought to stop E.T. sequel Jan 27Bang Showbiz Steven Spielberg: “I would have definitely made more money” on a $5M Movie That Almost Teamed Me up With the Legendary Steve McQueen ...