我想弹出一个带有按钮的 winodw 并用另一个按钮关闭,这是我的代码: 窗口可以成功打开但无法关闭,点击按钮没有任何反应。是浏览器问题还是什么? <body> <button onclick="openWindow()">Open Window</button> <button onclick="closeWindow()">Close Window</button> <script> var newWin; function openWindow...
<input name="button" type="button" onClick="Wopen()" value="点击我,打开新窗口!" / > </body> </html> 注意:运行结果考虑浏览器兼容问题。 JavaScript-关闭窗口 close()关闭窗口 用法: 1 window.close();//关闭本窗口 或 1 <窗口对象>.close();//关闭指定窗口 例如:关闭新建的窗口。 1 2...
<input type="button" value="关闭窗体" onclick="javascript:window.close()" /> <input type="button" value="打印窗体" onclick="javascript:window.print()" /> 有时候在火狐浏览器使用javascript:window.close()关闭窗口不起作用,解决的办法如下: 1、在Firefox输入网址栏中输入about:config,然后按键盘Ente...
方法一:<body οnlοad="window.open()"> 浏览器读页面时弹出窗口; 方法二:<body οnunlοad="window.open()"> 浏览器离开页面时弹出窗口; 方法三:用一个连接调用: <a href="#" οnclick="window.open()">打开一个窗口</a> 方法四:用一个按钮调用: <input type="button" οnclick="window.op...
Javascript Code The Javascript code to open up a new window with a "Close Window" button is: <script> function openwindow() { var newwindow= window.open('', '', 'width=300, height=300'); newwindow.document.write("<button onclick='window.close()'>Close Window</button>"); } </sc...
However, it closes even when I click inside as well. How can I make it close only on outside and the close button, but not inside, so the users can still enter their details? javascript jquery Share Improve this question Follow edited Sep 2, 2020 at 23:54 Pankwood 1,86855 gold ...
Also there's an [x] Close button in the header, but I need to hide it. I also can't find its action, the script it calls to close the modal inline dialog region. How to close the modal from my P1_MODAL_OK custom button? And how to catch the action triggered...
Use open() to open a new window, and close() to close the new window: View in separate window Copy <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <button onclick="openWin()">Open "myWindow"</button> <button onclick="closeWin()">Close "myWindow"</button> <script> var myWindow;/*from w w ...
方法四:用一个按钮调用: <input type="button" οnclick="window.open()" value="打开窗口"> 三、实例: a.html: 代码语言:javascript 复制 <html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>open</title></head><body><input type="button"value="打开B页面"onClick="window.open('b.html')"><input ...
双击 变成 true 就可以直接 window.close() 关闭此页面了 // 贴代码<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang="en"><head><metacharset="UTF-8"><title>前端</title></head><body><aid="btn"onclick="myWindow"href="javascript:;">呵呵</a><script>var btn = document.getElementById("btn"); ...