【库存新品特价】canon佳能52mm CLOSE-UP LENS 500D近摄镜片jp13138成色:库存新品,如图:镜片通透。带塑胶盒,说明书, 外包装。佳能近摄镜是EF镜头的附件,只需将其旋入EF镜头的前端,便可轻松进行近摄摄影。 通过将近摄镜旋入EF镜头前端的滤光镜安装螺纹来进行安装。 为了以最大放大倍率进行摄影,请将镜头上的...
The Canon 500D Close-up Lens is another. The 500D is a small double-element lens that threads onto the filter threads on a standard (non-macro) lens. It allows that lens to be focused at a much closer distance- resulting in a higher magnification of the subject. The 500D is intended...
今天入了个500D近摄镜,的想法是这样的: 以前用新百微,拍小东西总要走很近很近,这样拍蜜蜂不狠惨?镜头都快碰到蜜蜂了。 我这几天一直在想啊,用个70-200的接个微距镜,那不发达了。 要知道,200MM比100MM远很多啊。那拍昆虫不很好玩,远程射击。 所以就入了个近摄镜500D CLOSE UP LENS 。。2010...
Could not connect to Amazon New: Price:$120.00 Retail:$ Model:2821A002 (everyday Super Saver Pricing) In Stock. Product Description Canon 500D 52mm Close up Lens for Canon S1 IS Digital Camera. Double-element accessory attaches to front of lens; changes closest focusing distance from infinity ...
Taken with a 300mm lens with 50mm extension tube and 1.4x teleconverter. In that order. You’ve probably heard the expression “There’s more than one way to skin a cat”; well the same thing can be said for close-up photography. There are so many ways to get close to your subject...
My favourite accessory for getting up close is a close-up lens (the Canon 500D close-up lens is pictured above). A close-up lens, while technically a lens, looks more like a filter and screws into the front of your lens the same way. For this reason they are also called close-up ...
getting up close is a close-up lens (the Canon 500D close-up lens is pictured above). A close-up lens, while technically a lens, looks more like a filter and screws into the front of your lens the same way. For this reason they are also called close-up filters or supplementary ...
1. It looks like the diopter numbers for the Polaroid 250D and 500D have been mixed up. 2. In the USA, I bought a 77mm +2 Adorama achromat with the text 'ProOptic 77mm CLOSE-UP LENS 500D", see It doesn't seem to be on your list. They have several other sizes and strengths. ...
Note: All the photos in this article were taken by adding a 500D close-up lens to a Helios 58mm f/2 lens. You can learn more about the 500D close-up lens in my articleGetting Up Close With Close-Up Lenses,and more about Helios lenses in our articleCreating Swirly Bokeh with the Heli...
There is another Filter than Canon made called the 500D closeup filter. To use this filter, you generally have to zoom the lens right out first but it CAN be mounted on top of the 250D filter as well... and this will give you VERY strong magnification with an extremely shallow DOF. ...