必应词典为您提供close-packed-structure的释义,un. 紧密堆积结构; 网络释义: 密积结构;密集构造;密集结构;
structure n. 1.[U,C]结构;构造;组织 2.[C]构造体;建筑物 v. [T] 1.构造;组织;建造 jam packed a. 塞得紧紧的,挤得水泄不通的 vacuum packed a. 真空包装的 packed out a. 挤满了人的, 拥挤的 jolt packed 震实 最新单词 drop weight是什么意思及反义词 落锤 drop wagon的中文解释 母...
close-packed structure gusta slagalina Close packing is the packing of spheres so as to occupy the minimum amount of space. The name close packed refers to the packing efficiency of 74.05 %. There are two types of close packing: hexagonal and cubic. One layer, with atoms centered on sites...
close packed a. 拥挤不堪的,装得紧紧的 Structure n. 结构,构成;建筑物 vt. 设计,组织 structure n. 1.[U,C]结构;构造;组织 2.[C]构造体;建筑物 v. [T] 1.构造;组织;建造 frame(structure) 【化】 框架 HCP 主命令处理机(=host command processor)在计算机网络结构中,一种SNA(系统网络体系...
hexagonal close-packed structure(hcp structure) 六方最紧密堆积结构相关短语 clinker brick (质地紧密,防酸防潮,吸水率低) 缸化砖 stacked volume (按薪材堆垛单位计算的材积) 虚积容积 safety member (原子堆) 事故棒 manual scram (反应堆) 手动紧急停堆 exponential assembly (反应堆的) 指数装置 alligator ...
紧密堆积结构CrystalstructureHexagonalClose-Packed CeramicMaterials—StructuresandProperties CeramicMaterials陶瓷材料 •Inorganicmaterials無機材料•Nonmetallicmaterials非金屬材料•Mostceramicsarecompoundsbetweenmetallicandnonmetallicelements•Composedofatleasttwoelements,andoftenmore•Atomicbondinginceramicsrangesfrompurely...
metals/ close-packed structuremetalsbcc structurevery high pressuresstructureVoronoi cells/ A6150L Crystal bindingIt need not be considered surprising that many metals attain and retain the b.c.c. structure at very high pressures, since there is a sense in which this structure is close packed (...
必应词典为您提供Hexagonal-close-packed-structure的释义,un. 密排六方结构;
The face-centred cubic (fcc) structure is the same as the ordinary simple cubic lattice with the addition of an extra atom at the centre of each cube face. The close-packed layers are the body diagonal planes of the cube. Ionic bonds, unlike covalent bonds, are not directional and do no...
structure n. 1.[U,C]结构;构造;组织 2.[C]构造体;建筑物 v. [T] 1.构造;组织;建造 jam packed a. 塞得紧紧的,挤得水泄不通的 vacuum packed a. 真空包装的 packed out a. 挤满了人的, 拥挤的 最新单词 digital data processing system的中文意思 数字数据处理系统 digital data modulation ...