EPOLL_CTL_DEL:从epfd中删除一个fd; 第三个参数是需要监听的fd,第四个参数是告诉内核需要监听什么事,struct epoll_event结构如下: typedef union epoll_data {void*ptr;/*指向用户自定义数据*/intfd;/*注册的文件描述符*/uint32_t u32;/*32-bit integer*/uint64_t u64;/*64-bit integer*/} epoll_da...
epfd:由 epoll_create 生成的epoll专用的文件描述符; op:要进行的操作例如注册事件,可能的取值EPOLL_CTL_ADD 注册、EPOLL_CTL_MOD 修改、EPOLL_CTL_DEL 删除 fd:关联的文件描述符; event:指向epoll_event的指针; 如果调用成功返回0,不成功返回-1 int epoll_ctl(int epfd, intop, int fd, struct epoll_event...
To prevent this happening, the file descriptor must be explicitly removed from the interest list (using epoll_ctl(2) EPOLL_CTL_DEL) before it is duplicated. Alternatively, the application must ensure that all file descriptors are closed (which may be difficult if file descriptors were duplicated ...
epfd:由 epoll_create 生成的epoll专用的文件描述符; op:要进行的操作例如注册事件,可能的取值EPOLL_CTL_ADD 注册、EPOLL_CTL_MOD 修改、EPOLL_CTL_DEL 删除 fd:关联的文件描述符; event:指向epoll_event的指针; 如果调用成功返回0,不成功返回-1 int epoll_ctl(int epfd, intop, int fd, struct epoll_event...
// res = epoll_ctl(efd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, sockfd, NULL); // if (res == -1) // sysError("epoll_ctl error"); // close(sockfd); // printf("client[%d] closed connection\n", sockfd); // } // else if (n < 0) // { ...
epoll机制epoll_create、epoll_ctl、epoll_wait、close(在epoll的ET模式下,read和write或send和recv当返回值0且errno=EAGAIN - linking530的专栏 - 博客.mht
epoll机制:epoll_create、epoll_ctl、epoll_wait、close https://www.cnblogs.com/xuewangkai/p/11158576.html https://blog.csdn.net/yusiguyuan/article/details/15027821 阻塞IO 非阻塞IO
::epoll_ctl(epollfd_, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, socket, &ev); unregisterAllHandlers(ep); ep.close(); } } tmrqueue_.erase(titbegin, tit); }else{// we have i/o to handlefor(intievent=0; ievent<eventnum; ++ievent) {// socket with an eventintsocket = events[ievent].data.fd;// handle...
EPOLL_CTL_DEL: 从epfd中删除一个fd; 第三个参数是需要监听的fd, 第四个参数是告诉内核需要监听什么事件,structepoll_event结构如下: [cpp] typedef union epoll_data { void *ptr; int fd; __uint32_t u32; __uint64_t u64; } epoll_data_t; ...