Study 2 utilized a close-ended questionnaire on a sample of 434 Greek-speaking participants and classified these acts into seven broader strategies that people employ to strengthen desirable friendships. The most commonly used strategy was "provide support," followed by "more frequent interaction," ...
Personal questionnaire, is trying to open and close-ended question mixed structure and distribute the key to attach to the selected population data (as shown in Appendix 1), it is a cost-effective and efficient way to save time, money and quick response. In this particular method is appropria...
Study 3 consisted of a laboratory investigation that tested whether moral values changed in importance depending on manipulated social context. Participants were randomly assigned to an “alone” versus a “partner” condition, then their moral importance was assessed via the Moral Foundations Questionnai...
through an online questionnaire. Moving this screener entirely online was just a matter of learning the ins and outs of this new platform’s questionnaire tool. Transitioning to online interviewing was fairly easy too. Some nonverbal cues are different when talking to someone online, but being lon...
The survey sample covered all three regions in Belgium; i.e. the Flemish, Walloon and Brussels-Capital regions, with quota sampling by age, sex, and region, making it representative for the whole Bel- gian population. Each participant was asked to fill in a background questionnaire and a ...
At day 14, participants will be asked to complete the K10, a short ten-item scale to measure non-specific psychological distress, as part of their electronic questionnaire. This rigorously developed instrument has differentiates between community cases and non-cases of mental health disorders according...
The children would meet with me for two half-hour sessions while parents would fill out a paper questionnaire. I had initially hoped for 200 parent-child pairs to take part in my study but that ambition was soon replaced with despair as I struggled to even find any family-oriented ...