Save workbook before any other changes Test the code: The attachment has a folder with workbooks to open, one is Read-Only, but to test you can have multiple workbooks open or the one with the code. To test accurately, open a few workbooks, and run the code > ...
Close a Workbook without Saving If you want to save the active workbook without saving you need to use code like the following. ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False In this code, I have specified “False” for the “SaveChanges” argument. So, VBA will ignore any changes in the workbook ...
Workbooks(name1).Close SaveChanges:=False '关闭指定name1 ThisWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False '关闭指定工作薄 ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False '关闭当前活动工作薄
Workbook_Open事件可用于在打开工作簿时初始化工作簿,设置计算模式、设置屏幕、添加自定义菜单、为工作表中的组合框或列表框添加数据。Workbook_BeforeClose事件可用于恢复工作簿的初始设置、阻止用户关闭工作簿,等等。 示例1:设定特定用户才能操作工...
In Microsoft Excel, you can create a Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro that suppresses theSave Changesprompt when you close a workbook. This can be done either by specifying the state of the workbookSavedproperty, or by suppressing all al...
The Close and Open Method in Excel VBA can be used to close and open workbooks. Remember, the Workbooks collection contains all the Workbook objects that are currently open. Place a command button on your worksheet and add the following code lines: ...
1 如果未加ThisWorkbook.Close这句,打开 都有上述代码 的文件N个,在点X(指关闭工作薄的所有文件,不是单个文件X,下同),每个文件执行Workbook_BeforeClose完,就停住了,文件无法关闭。2、如果加ThisWorkbook.Close这句,打开 都有上述代码 的文件N个,在点X,每个文件执行Workbook_BeforeClose,执行ThisWorkbook.Close时...
就是将打开的文件关闭 可以释放该文件的占用空间的 如果从文件读取数据到数组变量里 那么变量不释放,还是占用空间的 所以楼主的问题要结合具体应用的
表达一个代表Workbook对象的变量。 参数 名称必需/可选数据类型说明 SaveChanges可选Variant如果工作簿无更改,则忽略该参数。 如果工作簿存在更改且其在其他打开的窗口中显示,则忽略此参数。 如果工作簿中有改动且工作簿未显示在任何其他打开的窗口中,则由此参数指定是否应保存更改。 如果设为True,则保存对工作簿所做...
The code will run automatically each time you save the workbook (including when you close it and click Yes to the Save prompt). PeterBartholomew1 Is it possible to create the static range inside the VBA instead of name manager in the event handler ...