I need to close a UserForm from a procedure that is inside the general module. The following code is just a test. I cannot use Me once that I am out of the form module. PrivateSubbtnCancel_Click()OnErrorGoToTreatErrorDimscreenAsObjectSetscreen = UserForms.Add(Me.Name) Unload screenLeave...
if you want to work with mouse moves, the code to close the info display form (I suppose its name is CurrentJob) should be fired by a UserForm_MouseMove event on the main form, as when leaving the label, the mouse will next be over the form itself (unless you position labels next t...
Go toRun> ClickRun Sub/UserForm(or pressF5) to run the macro. Excel takes a moment, then saves the changes and closes the active workbook. Only the Excel application with no open workbook remains. Click onCloseto exit Excel. Read More:Excel VBA: Save and Close Workbook Example 2 – Cond...
Click on theRun Sub / UserFormtool from the toolbar above. The workbook will close without saving the last changes. Things to Remember TheWorkbook.Closemethod ofVBAuses a total of3parameters. We’ve used only the first one, theSaveChengesparameter. Along with it, it used2more parameters ca...
After your VBA macro / code has performed all the required actions, you would want the macro to either save the file or skip saving it. So here are the options you can set in the code while asking it to close the file. The Close and Open method in VBA can be used to close and ...
Disable (X) Button and Force Users to Close Workbook through Userform Hi...I found code that prevents users from closing a workbook using the X button however when they attempt to close the workbook the correct way (through a userform) it does not close. This is the c......
I desperately need help. I am developing a large VBA project in Excel (I have some userform, many classes, userdeffined method include in sheet and so on). Unexpectedly, the problem has occurred: when I click on the button to close the Excel window ([x]) my project goes "stran...
If I don't find a solution to automatically close the FTP client reminder window, I will probably swith to that solution. Thanks. Upvote 0 Downvote Not open for further replies. Similar threads Locked Question Excel UserForm Window 'Focus' Event Listener 1 huiettcm Jan 19, 2024 VBA ...
Problem running a UserForm from an Autoexec macro Word 2000 can't be made visible, and/or doesn't trigger a Close Event When users starts Word they activate a previously created instance Paragraph borders lost when printing from a VBA macro Toolbars not showing when automating Word All other...
Open MSWord from Excel, merge with current Userform record, save and close Word. By jamieswift1977 in forum Excel Programming / VBA / Macros Replies: 3 Last Post: 10-17-2012, 05:28 AM How to open,save and close another workbook from the current wo...