片名为《Close》,并且影片画幅偏窄,大量的人物特写镜头都给予一种人物与人物之间,人物与观者之间的“亲密感”,但电影实质内容却是在刻画Leo和Remi的疏远,Leo的自我和解的过程,明亮的画面讲述悲伤的故事,这种对比让观... 片名为《Close》,并且影片画幅偏窄,大量的人物特写镜头都给予一种人物与人物之间,人物与观者之间的“亲密感”,但电影实质内容却是在刻画Leo和Remi的疏远,Leo的自我和解的过程,明亮的画面讲述悲伤的故事,这种对比让观影带来的悲伤更进一步。影片的重心放在了儿童视角的心理...
2022 NZIFF. Probably should have waited until tomorrow to do a more measured review, but watch this film for the acting masterclass from Eden Dambrine (Leo). To say so much with expressive eyes without uttering a sound; excitement, beguile, love, sorrow, terrible loss - one can't look ...
2022 NZIFF. Probably should have waited until tomorrow to do a more measured review, but watch this film for the acting masterclass from Eden Dambrine (Leo). To say so much with expressive eyes without uttering a sound; excitement, beguile, love, sorrow, terrible loss - one can't look ...
《女孩》也是一部physical film,关注的是外部世界和内心世界的斗争,我想继续探索身份认知,以及你如何被他人、被某个群体所感知。最重要的是,我想一个非常私人的故事主题。《女孩》2、在《亲密》中讲述这个关于友谊的故事,您的灵感来自哪里?我先是探索了几个想法,但我有点迷茫。有一天我重新回到村里的旧小学,以前... 影片《close》是一个关于情谊、成长与失去的故事。它简单、纯粹、凝重而悲伤,围绕着两个13岁的男孩展开,描绘了一段亲密(close)的情谊,和一段无可挽回的失去(lose)。这是比利时导演卢卡斯·德霍特的第二部长篇,他延续了处女作《女孩》中细腻敏锐的视角,用镜头讲述人与人...
IndieWire’s David Ehrlich gave the film a “B-” grade and our staff critics elected not to include it among their own picks for the 13 best films of the festival. Related Stories Winners Announced for the American Pavilion’s Cannes Student Program Contest ‘Oh, Canada’ Review: Paul ...
‘Close Your Eyes’ Review: Victor Erice Returns From a 30-Year Absence With an Aching Ode to Film, Time and Memory This exquisite, unhurried exercise in melancholy will mean most to existing fans of the Spanish master, but it's moving enough to make some new ones.By...
Vadim Rizov
“At Close Range” is not a pleasant movie. Few recent films have painted such a bleak picture of human nature. The Walken character is ruthless, and most of the other characters in the film are weak, or deprived, or lacking in the ability to see beyond their immediate situations. That’...