Explore a wide range of Clorox products for cleaning and disinfecting your home. From wipes to sprays, find the right solutions to keep your living space fresh & healthy.clx-
Clorox®Free & Clear Compostable* Cleaning Wipes Kills COVID-19 virus Clorox®Disinfecting Wipes₃ On the Go - 9 count (71667) 4.8 out of 5 stars. 71667 reviews Kills COVID-19 virus Clorox ScentivaDisinfecting Wipes₁-Flex Pack ...
Explore a wide range of Clorox products for cleaning and disinfecting your home. From wipes to sprays, find the right solutions to keep your living space fresh & healthy.clx-
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Disinfect your bedroom daily and do regular bedroom cleaning to prevent the spread of viruses within your home using disinfecting wipes and disinfecting bleach. More from Clorox experts Discover more ways to clean. Use as directed. Follow these disinfecting tips in your bedroom to help prevent the...
查看指南文章 漂白剂小知识 多年来,我们听说过很多有关漂白剂的误解。了解高乐氏®漂白剂及其工作原理的相关知识。 查看指南文章 如何清洁和消毒地板 查看指南文章 探索更多关于清洁和洗衣技巧的指南文章。 查看所有操作方法 选择您的位置 中国大陆市场
When it really matters, trust Clorox®. Prevent the spread of virus with Clorox® Bleach, Disinfecting Wipes, & Surface Sprays.
Disinfecting Wipes Clean and disinfect 99.9% of germs in one easy step with the #1 choice for disinfecting wipes.* These wipes kill viruses and bacteria including cold and flu germs, MRSA, staph, E. coli, strep, salmonella and the organism that can cause whooping cough. * Based on Precision...
Discover cleaning and disinfecting solutions to help keep schools, offices, and other public spaces clean and healthy. Featured ProductsExplore More Products Clorox® Clorox EcoClean™Learn more Pine-Sol® Multi-Surface Cleaner and DisinfectantLearn more Clorox® Disinfecting WipesLearn more Clorox...