...试(Babinski reflex test) 腕部阵挛(wrist clonus) 史柏林测试(Spurling’s test) 7 就颈椎问题而言,倘若病人出现手 …xuelele.com.tw|基于3个网页 2. 腕阵挛 专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双... ... 腕关节活动障碍 wrist block 腕阵挛 wrist clonus 腕阵挛反射 wrist clonus reflex ... www...
reflex (ˈriːfleks) noun, adjective (an action which is) automatic or not intended. The doctor tapped the patient's knee in order to test his reflexes; a reflex action.reflejo Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. reflex→ reflejo Multilingual Translato...
英文: The ankle clonus test in surgery of scoliosis中文: 踝阵挛试验在脊柱侧凸手术中的监测价值 英文: There were 8 cases of brisk tendon reflex and ankle clonus,and cases of positive Babinski's sign.中文: 腱反射亢进,踝阵挛阳性8例,Babinski征阳性例。
英文: Grade : forward limb clonus besides grade ;中文: 级,级加前肢阵挛; 英文: The ankle clonus test in surgery of scoliosis中文: 踝阵挛试验在脊柱侧凸手术中的监测价值 英文: The main contributing factors for impatient management were coma (.7%),clonus (8.%)cand dyspnea (%).中文: 需要住院...
Ankle Clonus Test This was the first test to be used historically.Clonusis repetitive rhythmic movement elicited by the stretch reflex. The clonus test is usually done at emergence, either at the conclusion of surgery or during a wake-up test. All muscle paralysis has to be antagonized. There...