GitLab-OAuth Login to Che and reading the devfile from a private GitLab-Repository (using a factory link) works great, but project sources can't be cloned in theia. It throws "Permission denied" while cloning sources. Git clone in the terminal (theia or dev-container) outputs the followin...
Importing by cloning the project from gitlab (I suspect this might be due to the NR projects feature, since it's still in beta), then reinistalling dependencies: "node-red-contrib-calc": "1.0.1", "node-red-contrib-dashboard-bar-chart-data": "0.9.6", "node-red-contrib-influxdb": ...
When starting to work on a project, engineers usually need to clone a Git repository. Even though this is often a quick step, it can be automated using the Coder Registry to make a seamless Git-first workflow. The first step to enable Coder to clone a repository is to provide authorizatio...
the post I linked might help get some more info from it. If you are sure your network connection is stable, network card, cables, switch/hub that you are connected to, then would just need to get more info. Some people experienced this with github also, so it’s not Gitlab-related, ...
GitLab information Version: 9.0.1 Revision: 0fa55cc Directory: /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails DB Adapter: postgresql URL: HTTP Clone URL: ...
gitlabci变量 概念 从Gitlab 8.0 开始,Gitlab CI 就已经集成在 Gitlab 中,我们只要在项目中添加一个.gitlab-ci.yml文件,然后添加一个Runner,即可进行持续集成。 Pipeline 一次Pipeline 其实相当于一次构建任务,里面可以包含很多个流程,如安装依赖、运行测试、编译、部署测试服务器、部署生产服务器等流程。任何提交或...
To quickly answer the other suggestions, after regaining local control of my repository, I already tried to make afreshremote on GitLab (new blank project to which I pushed all branches of our repo), but the problem persisted. I also tried to create a new project and push from a colleague...
Create a new project in the new Gitlab instance with a .gitlab-ci.yml that will run something (e.g. rspec in our case) Setup a gitlab-ci-multi-runner with docker (on a machine I'll call the runner host) Copy the entire Let's Encrypt certificate chain to/etc/gitlab-runner/certs...
If you need to report a security issue, follow instructions in"Database Lab Engine security guidelines" Many thanks to our amazing contributors! Translations Making DBLab more accessible to engineers around the globe is a great help for the project. Check details in thetranslation section of contri...