As Chancellor, Palpatine promised to bring an end to the corruption that had so often plagued the Galactic Senate, but was really deceiving the Jedi and Republic. The first few years of his tenure saw very little done to fulfill that promise, however. The demilitarization of the Trade Federat...
Clone Commander Codyin theDatabank(backup link) Clone Trooper Armorin theDatabank(backup link)(First identified as clone paratrooper) Notes and references ↑ Wars: Episode IIIRevenge of the Sith ...
Commander Fox is the leader of the Coruscant Guard™, an eliteclone trooper™unit assigned to serve as peacekeepers on the capital of theGalactic Republic™. Fox is duty-bound to protect and serve the Supreme Chancellor and the members of the Galactic Senate. His exemplary performance ...
" ―Clone Commander Mayday[89]Several months after the destruction of the Kaminoan facilities, which had been covered up as being the result of a cataclysmic storm, the Imperial Senate begun a vote on the Imperial Defense Recruitment Bill, which would formalize the Imperial Military's transition...
65th Coruscant Guard Hero Legion: 65th Elite Guard Heroes Fox Stone Jek Rys Thorn 442nd Hero Legion: Doom's Unit Heroes Commander Doom 21st Nova Corps Hero Legion: Galactic Marines Jet Baccara Rancor Battalion Hero Legion: Rancor Battalion Heroes Colt Havoc Hammer Blitz 327th Star Corps...
Corey Burton as Count Dooku,[6] Senate Guard,[13] Senator Kharrus, Pirate Guard #1,[172] Mar Tuuk,[210] TX-20, Nilim Bril,[211] Gobi Glie,[212] Cad Bane, Ziro the Hutt, Shahan Alama,[24] Analyzer Droid,[156] Warrior #1, Mandalorian Bomber,[38] Service Droid,[173] Aramis,[183...