免密码用https协议clone-private-github-repo 创建access token https://github.com/settings/tokens 权限至少要选repo和read:org。 安装gh #ArchLinuxsudo pacman -S github-cli#Debiansudo apt install gh gh auth login 按照它的提示一步步完成即可。 也可以写一个脚本自动化这一步: gh auth login --with-to...
终端中配置代码如下 git config--globaluser.name"Twins"git config--globaluser.email"xxxxxxx@163.com"git config--globalgithub.user q70740930 git config--globalgithub.token xxxx生成的APItokenxxxxxxxxxxxxx 然后就结束了, 测试一下能否clone下来, 能否push上去就行...
我的github账号启用了2fa, 所以每次在新机器上clone私有repo都要踩一次坑, 气死. 记住了: 这种情况下, 不能用账号的登录密码, 要用到access token. 创建access token的方法: 进入github的Settings页面 > Developer Settings > Personal Access Token > Generate New Token > 勾选需要的功能, 一般选上repo就够了...
You do not have permission to access this repository. The repository is archived on GitHub. Check the repository settings to confirm you are still permitted to push commits. If you use SSH authentication, check that your key is added to the ssh-agent and associated with your account. If you...
git@github.com:USER/REPO_NAME.git# default branch is master/main# if you need to change the branch uncomment the following lines# RUN cd /REPO_NAME && \# git checkout YOUR_BRANCH## Build Stage ### pull the Node.js Docker imageFROMnode:lts-alpine# install simple http server for ...
When I put in on a public Github repo it works fine but not sure why its not working with the private bitbucket repo? When I do git clone bitbucket of the exact repo it works fine as so I can tell its not the connection issue with SSH. ...
学习LearnWebCode(Brad Schiff先生)的Github教学视频Git Tutorial Part 3: Installation, Command-line & Clone和Git Tutorial Part 4: GitHub (Pushing to a Server),如何拷贝一个他人的repo到自己的repo,并做修改。本文的目标是通过这个实践介绍Git command。
If the repository is specified as a local path (e.g.,/path/to/repo), this is the default, and--localis essentially a no-op. If the repository is specified as a URL, then this flag is ignored (and we never use the local optimizations). Specifying--no-localwill override the default...
$ git remote add origin git@github.com:yourName/yourRepo.git 1. 后面的yourName和yourRepo表示你再github的用户名和刚才github上新建的仓库。 4、在本地要上传的仓库,接着在2之后的命令行中输入以下内容。 git clone https://github.com/saucxs/BPS.git ...
Enter GitLab. GitLab provides a simple but powerful web based interface to your Git repositories a la GitHub, only you can host it on your own cloud server, control access as you see fit, and repo size is limited only by how much storage space your server has. This tutorial...