本文首先介绍了新发布的MySQL 8.0.17主要新增特性,引出了InnoDB克隆插件这一引人关注的特性,分析该特性能够带来的重大作用;接着在xtrabackup备份原理的基础上分析了克隆功能的实现方案;最后介绍MGR中的克隆功能,并对比了其与MongoDB初始化同步特性的异同点。
and scaled in the cloud by using the Best MongoDB clone script. MongoDB clone PHP can be used to be the appropriate solution for you to kick-start your own online database management services. You can provide your users with latest and advanced technology including real-time aggregation, inde...
本文首先介绍了新发布的MySQL 8.0.17主要新增特性,引出了InnoDB克隆插件这一引人关注的特性,分析该特性能够带来的重大作用;接着在xtrabackup备份原理的基础上分析了克隆功能的实现方案;最后介绍MGR中的克隆功能,并对比了其与MongoDB初始化同步特性的异同点。
2. Install Dependencies:Ensure you have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed. Then, navigate to the project directory and install the required dependencies by running: npm install 3. Set Up MongoDB Database: Install MongoDB on your local machine if you haven't already. You can...
1.实现方式不同(物理/逻辑):MongoDB复制集的初始同步类似于mydumper,是多线程的逻辑备份。而如前所述,MGR的克隆是物理文件拷贝; 2.性能方面:由于实现方式不同,会对性能产生一定的影响,理论上说,逻辑备份需要有个恢复(Insert/Write)过程,性能相比拷贝物理文件会差些,尤其是在大数据量的情况下; ...
grant replication client,replication slave on *.* to rpl@'%' ; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 新的节点192.168.2.4:8017上执行: INSTALL PLUGIN CLONE SONAME "mysql_clone.so"; -- 安装clone插件 -- 添加相关账号和授权
1. Clone on your local machine https://github.com/sudipb7/x-clone.git 2. Install dependencies npm install 3. Add environment variables to your .env file DATABASE_URL="mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@cluster0.mscaygz.mongodb.net/X-Clone" NEXTAUTH_SECRET="<YOUR_NEXTAUTH_SECRET>" ...
1 CLONE LOCAL DATA DIRECTORY='/var/lib/mysql_clone/backup_dir/'; Once the restore process is completed, you can query the performance_schema.clone_status table to obtain the binlog coordinates required to initiate replication: MySQL 1 SELECT binlog_file, binlog_position FROM performance_schema...
您可以使用 Database Tools 从自托管部署迁移到 MongoDB Atlas。MongoDB Atlas 是用于云中 MongoDB 部署的完全托管服务。要了解详情,请参阅使用mongorestore 播种。 要了解迁移到 MongoDB Atlas 的所有方法,请参阅迁移或导入数据。 mongodump 可以连接到mongod和mongos实例。 您可以将从 mongodump 生成的 BSON 文...
MongoDB - A NoSQL database for storing and managing data. NextAuth - Authentication library for Next.js applications. Prisma - Modern database toolkit and ORM. Zustand - A small, fast global state management library for React. Installation Follow these steps to install and set up the X-Cl...