Git clone 失败提示’remote-https’ is not a git command 原因是libcurl-devel的版本,需要重新安装并编译1. yum install libcurl-devel2. 重新编译git的版本本条目发布于2022年2月11日。属于未分类分类。文章导航 ← Jetbrain的安装包带JBR与不带JBR的区别 xdebug的nginx配置 → ...
改成git clone -b stable/rocky就好了
执行git clone时报错: bash: $: command not found 解决方式: 可能是由于git命令中含有空格或其他不规则字符导致的,删除即可
NOTE: this is a possibly dangerous operation; do not use it unless you understand what it does. If you clone your repository using this option and then delete branches (or use any other Git command that makes any existing commit unreferenced) in the source repository, some objects may become...
gitcloneis primarily used to point to an existing repo and make a clone or copy of that repo at in a new directory, at another location. The original repository can be located on the local filesystem or on remote machine accessible supported protocols. Thegitclonecommand copies an existing ...
NOTE: this is a possibly dangerous operation; donotuse it unless you understand what it does. If you clone your repository using this option and then delete branches (or use any other Git command that makes any existing commit unreferenced) in the source repository, some objects may become un...
"git.path": "E:\\_software\\Git\\bin\\git.exe" The path is correct because my usb drive has the letterE After a restart, code still tells me command not found. I tried every other available executable in theGitdirectory but i still have the same error. ...
Initialization clones are used when the source file system types or number of partitions do not match the destination. An initialization clone can also be forced by command line option. An alternative to imaging the source partition table is to manually create partitions on a destination disk with...
git远程地址在浏览器里输入用户名和密码能进去,但是本地git克隆时就报错,然后我就看了下 Windows:进入控制面板 >> 凭据管理器 >> Window凭据>>普通凭据 就能看到远程git地址对应的用户名和密码:发现凭据里的用户名和密码和登录远程git地址的不一致,就把凭据里的用户名和密码改了,之后再克隆就没问题了。
Do Check:How To Install Git On Debian 10 Buster Prerequisites To clone a git repository, clearly, you should have Git installed on your computer. If you want to check that Git is correctly installed on Windows or on Linux, the following command should be executed: ...