Twenty-one men with erectile complaints who were found to have a low level of serum testosterone without a reciprocal elevation of the serum levels of luteinizing hormone were evaluated to identify whether the defect was of hypothalamic or of pituitary origin. Patients underwent a luteinizing hormone...
A 37 year old professional athlete and bodybuilder arrived in my office complaining of low testosterone symptoms of low libido, erectile dysfunction, chronic fatigue, and mood disorder. He admitted to anabolic steroid abuse in the past, and now sought medical intervention to “restore his testostero...
A total of 178 men with secondary hypogonadism and ED received clomiphene citrate for 4 months. Sexual function improved in 75%, with no change in 25%, while significant increases in luteinizing hormone (P<0.001) and free testosterone (P<0.001) occurred in all patients. Multivariable analysis s...
Clomid is a medical remedy for the treatment of the anovulatory infertility and some tumorous diseases. It is an antiestrogen and can be used for the improvement of the reproductive function in men and women, and also for the restoration of the testosterone level in the body. ...
For men with idiopathic oligospermia, where clomiphene has been shown to be effective, the mechanism of action is quite similar with the difference that the most important effect is at the level of the testicles, where testosterone and sperm production is increased. The volume and density increas...
Clomid has got a bright side and a dark side. What do we really know after all these years? Evidence for toxicityOral Administration of Enclomiphene Citrate Results in Physiological Total Testosterone Levels in Men with Low or Normal Testosterone: A Pilot Study...
Lots of people have low testosterone and it is often possible to get a prescription for Clomid for treatment of low testosterone. Clomid is a great SERM. It helps to protect against gynecomastia and other side effects from anabolic steroids. People argue about whether it’s better than Nolvadex...
Where To Buy Clomid Online is not an easy task to undertake. This can be because the demand for Clomid and Clomiphene is increasing day by day. There are so many companies that offer this type of treatment online and one can always take a look at their website and get their Clomid cost...
Clomid stimulates the pituitary in order to release additional FSH and LH. In turn, it will also stimulate the improved production of the natural testosterone. This is significantly useful to the users of the anabolic steroid post cycle as the levels of natural testosterone will be low enough to...
Sustanon 250 is the brand name of this injectable form of testosterone steroid. It has a medical use of treating men who have low levels of natural testosterone by acting as a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).There are 4 testosterone esters in Sustanon 250. An ester is […] ...