(assoc-in person [:employer :address :city] "Clayton");如果键值不存在,则新添进去(assoc-in person [:employer :address :phone] "13700000000")(update-in person [:employer :address :zip] str "-1234");需要注意一点,当map的键值是数字类型时,在有序map和hashmap或arraymap上做assoc操作结果是有...
在Clojure中访问嵌套映射值的方法是使用关键字和get-in函数。关键字用于指定嵌套映射中的路径,而get-in函数用于获取指定路径下的值。 下面是一个示例代码: 代码语言:txt 复制 (def data {:person {:name "John" :age 30 :address {:city "New York" :zip 12345}}}) ;; 使用关键字和get-in函数访问嵌套...
在下面的这个benchmark中,我们对比了从两种map中获取key对应的value的调用时间,使用关键词做key的map比另一个使用字符串做key的map快了50%, insight.main=> (def t {:hello 1}) :hella#'insight.main/t insight.main=> (quick-bench (get t :hello))WARNING: Final GC required 76.32000953339649 % of ru...
Following is an example of get in Clojure.Live Demo (ns clojure.examples.example (:gen-class)) (defn example [] (def demokeys (hash-map "z" "1" "b" "2" "a" "3")) (println demokeys) (println (get demokeys "b"))) (example)...
Other Handy Map Functions Sets In the Wild Staying Out of Trouble Wrapping Up Logic The Fundamental If Asking Questions Truthy and Falsy Do and When Dealing with Multiple Conditions Throwing and Catching In the Wild Staying Out of Trouble
下载地址。 解压后用命令行进入到clojure目录下,输入下面命令进入REPL命令行交互界面: jav ...
(get inventors "Lisp" "I dunno!")"McCarthy"(get inventors "Foo" "I dunno!")"I dunno!" keyword, 常用于map的key, 是function Because Clojure data structures are immutable and implement hash-Code correctly,any Clojure data structure can be a key in a map. That said, a very common key ...
1 (update-in person [:employer :address :zip] str "-1234") ; using the str function 回到上面 StructMaps StructMap和普通的map类似,它的作用其实是用来模拟java里面的javabean, 所以它比普通的map的优点就是,它把一些常用的字段抽象到一个map里面去,这样你就不用一遍一遍的重复了。并且和java类似,他会...
映射表(map)常用来表示一些相互关联的键值对,它使用花括号({ })来定义。 (defme{:name"Khellendros",:age22,:gender:male});=> #’user/me !注意:映射表中不能出现重复的键 使用get函数可以根据键查找值: (getme:name);=> "Khellendros" ...
(get inventors "Foo" "I dunno!") "I dunno!" keyword, 常用于map的key, 是function Because Clojure data structures are immutable and implement hash-Code correctly,any Clojure data structure can be a key in a map. That said, a very common key type is the Clojure keyword. ...