在clojure 1.4 及更高版本中,您可以使用clojure.core/ex-info和clojure.core/ex-data生成并捕获clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo类,该类包装消息和数据映射。 使用起来很简单: (throw (ex-info "My hovercraft is full of eels" {:type :python-exception, :cause :eels})) (try (...) (catch clojure.lang.Exc...
代码如下: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import win32clipboard as wc import win32con def getCopyText(): wc.OpenClipboard() copy_text = wc.GetClipboardData(win32con.CF_TEXT) wc.CloseClipboard() return copy_text # test import chardet print chardet.de ...
(defn check-user [req] (or (:user req) (ex-info "Login required" {:code 401}))) (defn check-entity-id [req] (or (:id req) (ex-info "Missing entity id" {:code 400}))) (defn check-entity-exists [db id] (or (fetch-entity db id) (ex-info "Entity not found" {:code ...
user=> (sci/eval-string"(inc 1)"{:deny'[inc]}) ExceptionInfo inc is not allowed! [at line1, column2] clojure.core/ex-info (core.clj:4739) Providing a macro as a binding can be done by providing a normal function that: has:sci/macroon the metadata set totrue ...
refinfo.latch.await(LOCK_WAIT_MSECS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); }catch(InterruptedException e) {//ignore}throwretryex; } KILLED有两种情况会导致状态被设置成KILLED, 1. 事务调用abort方法(目前的Clojure版本还没有代码调用abort). 2. 第二种情况就是抢先(barge)提交的时候 ...
https://github.com/clojure/brew-install 初学clojure 构建工具lein 天下无双. (推荐) clojure 自己出的这个构建工具,一个是随意,一个是封闭(很难贡献, lein有375个 贡献者brewinstall 10个贡献者 2021年10月26日10:16:50 ) ,一个散, 这个项目写点,哪个项目写点,感觉有点独夫( clojure 正式项目,封闭点也...
如果你想抛出一个exception,并在其中包含一些debugging信息(除了消息string),你可以使用内置的ex-info函数。 要从以前构build的ex-info对象中提取数据,请使用ex-data 。 来自clojuredocs的例子: (try (throw (ex-info "The ice cream has melted!" {:causes #{:fridge-door-open :dangerously-high-temperature}...
user=> (sci/eval-string "(inc 1)" {:deny '[inc]}) ExceptionInfo inc is not allowed! [at line 1, column 2] clojure.core/ex-info (core.clj:4739)MacrosProviding a macro as a binding can be done by providing a normal function that:...
(restart-case (far/error ::ayy) (::some-restart []) (::some-other-restart [])) ;; => throws an ex-info "Unhandled condition"By default, the debugger will just throw the condition (wrapping it if it's not already an exception). This enables library developers to use conditions ...