As it has been been widely reported, red wine helps keep arteries clear, but so does cranberry juice and tea. Tomato juice, orange juice, fruits and vegetables all contain flavonoids that help the heart and arteries. Byanon2420— On Jul 10, 2007 ...
gged heart arteries New drug-coated stents show promise in tiny clogged heart arteriesNew drug-coated stents show promise in tiny clogged heart arteriesDANIEL Q. HANEY, AP Medical Editor
Coronary artery disease.When plaque accumulates in the arteries carrying blood to theheart, it results in coronary artery disease, or heart disease. Coronary artery disease can causechest painor shortness of breath. This condition can lead toheart attacksand is the leading cause of death in the ...
Available at and How to prevent a heart attack or stroke? Start with an artery screening test. The disease known as heart disease is better understood as a disease of the arteries. A blockage in an artery serving the heart can cause a h
Blockages in your heart arteries could mean you're more likely to have a stroke, even if you're considered low risk, according to research in the American Heart Association journal Stroke.
High cholesterol is the most commonly understood cause of atherosclerosis, a hardening of the arteries that raises the risk of heart attack and stroke. But now, scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have identified a gene that likely plays a ca...
One in 12 Soldiers Has Clogged Heart Arteries
People who drink a moderate amount of coffee daily are less likely to develop clogged arteries that could lead to heart attacks, reveals research published online in Heart. Researchers from South Korea found that people consuming three to five cups a day
外部播放此歌曲> Splooge God、XTC Heart Disease、XTC Cholesterol、XTC Stizzy、XTC Lung Cancer - Clogged Arteries (Explicit) 专辑:XTC Collab Tape 2 (Explicit) 歌手:Splooge GodXTC Heart DiseaseXTC CholesterolXTC StizzyXTC Lung Cancer 还没有歌词哦...
doi:10.1002/scin.5591761315Laura BeilScience News