Verilog设计中如何匹配变量的位宽?($clog2系统函数) 本文转载自:孤独的单刀博客 1、位宽太小 在FPGA设计中,我们经常需要用寄存器来寄存某些“数量类”的变量,比如FIFO的深度啦、或者计数器的最大值啦;又或者输入输出信号也需要将位宽用parameter参数化以便更好的调用等。 举个简单的小例子:系统频率100M(周期10ns)...
总的来说,KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '函' at position 6: clog2函̲数是SystemVerilog…clog2函数的优势,使我们的设计更加紧凑和高效。
在老的IEEE verilog版本中,假如不用clog2去计算位宽,我们可能需要如下的function函数来进行位宽计算,这个函数本身很好理解,即通过移位去检测depth的位宽,之后我们需要再将计算得到的数字使用在端口定义的过程中。 function integer clog2(input integer depth);beginif(depth == 0)clog2 = 1;else if(depth != 0...
$clog2函数是SystemVerilog编程语言中常用的一种函数。它的作用是求出一个数的二进制表示中需要的位数,具体实现方法是求出这个数的二进制表示中最高位的位置然后加1。因此,$clog2函数也被称为“向上取整到2的幂次方函数”。 $clog2函数的使用非常灵活,它可以用来求出一个二进制数所占位数,比如: int n = ...
阅读排行榜 1. 升余弦滤波器原理(11389) 2. QAM调制及其软解调(8559) 3. [引用]MATLAB中的fft后为何要用fftshift(7228) 4. Verilog数值大小比较(6597) 5. 通信中的相干与非相干(5973) 评论排行榜 1. OFDM频谱效率与吞吐率计算公式(7) 2. OFDM载波同步常用公式推导(3) 3. 希尔伯特变换(2)...
Brought to you by Doulos does not endorse training material from other suppliers on EDA Playground. Languages & Libraries Testbench + Design UVM / OVM Other Libraries Enable TL-Verilog Enable Easier UVM Enable VUnit Select...Aldec Riviera Pro 2023.04Cadence Xcelium 23.09Siemens Questa 2024.3Synopsys...
in Verilog 2001. Following is a samplefunction that can be used insteadfor the $clog2 function to get a proper output: function integer clog2; input integer value; begin value = value-1; for (clog2=0; value>0; clog2=clog2+1) ...
Does anybody know how to use the Verilog HDL $clog2 math function with the Quartus II software? I am trying to use the clog2 (=ceil(log2(x))) function to calculate the address width needed for a RAM block with x number of words, since I think it's a bit silly to have ...
So, first, in SystemVerilog, the system function is $clog2 (not $clog). In "plain" Verilog, it was necessary to write a macro similar to the one you show. I don't know about using Verilog 2005 - it may not be possible (or it may - I just don't know). In SystemVerilog, yo...