When something moves in the opposite direction to the way in which the hands of a clock move round in known as counterclockwise. The counterclockwise direction is also known as the anticlockwise direction. (Image will be uploaded soon) Examples of Counterclockwise: Just opposite of clockwise when ...
美 英 adj.逆时针方向的;左旋的 adv.逆时针方向地 网络反时针方向的;逆时针的;逆时钟方向 英汉 英英 网络释义 adj. 1. 逆时针方向的,反时针方向旋转的 2. 左旋的 adv. 1. 逆时针方向地,反时针方向旋转地
anticlockwise dextral in the same d... clockwise Antonyms for clockwise adjin the same direction as the rotating hands of a clock Related Words dextral Antonyms anticlockwise contraclockwise counterclockwise advin the direction that the hands of a clock move ...
anticlockwise,contraclockwise,counterclockwise- in the direction opposite to the rotation of the hands of a clock Adv.1.clockwise- in the direction that the hands of a clock move; "please move clockwise in a circle" anticlockwise,counterclockwise- in a direction opposite to the direction in which...
Twist can be inserted in one of two directions: clockwise (properly known as S twist) or anticlockwise (Z twist), as shown in Fig. 4. The production rates in ring spinning are limited by the fact that the yarn package has to be rotated at very high speeds (∼16,000 rpm), causing...
18、"Come-bye" tells the dog to move clockwise whilst "Away" means move anticlockwise around the sheep.Come -bye“告诉狗儿做顺时针运动,而”Away“则是绕着羊群逆时针跑。” 19、Listing 1 shows the full clockwise traversal listing.清单1显示了完整的顺时针遍历清单。 20、Press down on knob and ...
7. Positive frequencies are produced by anticlockwise rotation and negative frequencies by clockwise rotation .正频率是用逆时针旋转来产生,而负频率是用顺时针旋转来产生。 8. It is formed by a system of air rotating anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern .它是由一种...
turn(round)inananticlockwisedirection英 ensentidocontrarioaldelasagujasdelreloj anticlockwise英 anti-clockwise在《PONS词典》中的词汇 词条anti-clockwise在英语»西班牙语中的译文 (跳至西班牙语»英语) anti-clockwise[ˌæntɪˈklɒkwaɪz,美-t̬ɪˈklɑ:k-]副澳,英 ...
(US) Counterclockwise; Anticlockwise. [..] + 添加翻译 英文-中文字典 逆时针方向 noun ISAF committed itself to taking over provincial reconstruction teams in a counter-clockwise direction, beginning in the north-east. 安援部队力求按逆时针方向逐步接管省级重建队,从东北部地区开始。 GlosbeMT_RnD...
One series uses anticlockwise steering, and the other series uses clockwise steering. U jednom nizu primjenjuje se zakretanje u smjeru suprotnom od kazaljke na satu, a u drugom zakretanje u smjeru kazaljke na satu. Eurlex2019 Why do planets move clockwise around the sun? Zašt...