SystemVerilog Clocking Block Part II 时钟模块允许在指定的时钟事件对输入进行采样并驱动输出。如果提到时钟模块的输入skew,则该模块中的所有输入信号都将在时钟事件之前以skew时间单位进行采样。如果提到时钟模块的输出skew,则该模块中的输出信号都将在相应的时钟事件之后以skew时间单位驱动。 What are input and output...
SystemVerilog -- 6.4 Interface ~ Clocking Blocks SystemVerilog Clocking Blocks 默认情况下,模块端口和接口不指定信号之间的任何时序要求或同步方案。在clocking和endclocking之间定义的时钟块正是这样做的。它是与特定时钟同步的信号集合,有助于指定时钟和信号之间的定时要求。 这将允许测试编写者更多地关注事务,而不...
SystemVerilog中增加了时钟块(clocking block)机制来对指定信号进行基于特定时钟的同步处理,时钟块中的任何信号都将根据指定的时钟被同步驱动或被采样,这样可以保证测试平台在期望的采样点与信号进行交互,同…
如果monitor的信号在clocking block是output方向的话(对应的即RTL的input方向),则使用 = vif.xxx的语句先monitor到interface上的信号值,然后等时钟沿@vif.cb1来进行同步,那么可以理解为在时钟上升沿到来之前,output方向的信号已经稳定(意味着RTL的输入端激励在时钟上升沿到来之前已经稳定),所以在时钟沿之前进行...
// SystemVerilog "clocking block" // Clocking outputs are DUT inputs and vice versa default clocking cb_counter @(posedge Clock); default input #1step output #4; output negedge Reset; output Enable, Load, UpDn, Data; input Q; endclocking ...
clocking block中的输入偏差和输出偏差 SystemVerilog中增加了时钟块(clocking block)机制来对指定信号进行基于特定时钟的同步处理,时钟块中的任何信号都将根据指定的时钟被同步驱动或被采样,这样可以保证测试平台在期望的采样点与信号进行交互,同时clocking block还可以对于采样和驱动指定input偏差和output偏差,从而可以进一...
在systemverilog的task中只能用阻塞赋值么 在always语句块中,verilog语言支持两种类型的赋值:阻塞赋值和非阻塞赋值。阻塞赋值使用“=”语句;非阻塞赋值使 interface中clocking block的用处? 一下clocking block的基本用途。 clocking block比较有用的地方是在防止同步信号的竞... systemverilog的event regions。 2017-09-...
The clocking block feature was designed to provide SystemVerilog verification environmentswith a versatile and well-structured way to access synchronous signals in a DUT or test harness. In practice, though, the use of clocking blocks has proved to be surprisingly error-prone, despite nearly a ...
The clocking block feature was designed to provide SystemVerilog verification environmentswith a versatile and well-structured way to access synchronous signals in a DUT or test harness. In practice, though, the use of clocking blocks has proved to be surprisingly error-prone, despite nearly a deca...
Global Clock Control Block The clock control block drives GCLKs. The clock control blocks are located on each side of the device, close to the dedicated clock input pins. GCLKs are optimized for minimum clock skew and delay. The clock control block has the following functions: • Dynamic ...