第一,设置clock gating check比较麻烦。第二,不利于timing signoff,容易遗漏实际需要gating check的点,出现glitch。现在大部分都是集成的ICG (Integrated Clock Gating )。2.Place阶段ICG使能端的Setup violation place过程data path优化力度不够。出现这种情况,一方面可以在DCT中设置一个稍微大点的gating check,并...
The method also includes passing the latched logic value of the enable signal to a clock-gating output when the input clock signal is logically high, blocking the latched logic value of the enable signal from the clock-gating output when the input clock signal is logically low, and pulling ...
第一,设置 clock gating check 比较麻烦。第二,不利于 timing signoff,容易遗漏实际需要 gating check 的点,出现 glitch。现在大部分都是集成的 ICG (Integrated Clock Gating)。 图1 传统 clock gating 结构 2.Place 阶段 ICG 使能端的 Setup violation place 过程 data path 优化力度不够。 出现这种情况,一方...
A low-power low-setup integrated clock gating (ICG) cell is disclosed. The disclosed ICG cell includes a NOR gate configured to receive an enable (E) signal and a test enable (SE) s
The latch module is configured to cause the internal enable node to transition from low to high as a function of the enable module output and C, where E is the internal enable node and C is the clock.RASOULI Seid HadiDILLEN Steven James...
The method also includes passing the latched logic value of the enable signal to a clock-gating output when the input clock signal is logically high, blocking the latched logic value of the enable signal from the clock-gating output when the input clock signal is logically low, and pulling ...
The latch module is configured to cause the internal enable node to transition from low to high as a function of the enable module output, the internal enable node and the clock.RASOULI, SEID HADIDILLEN, STEVEN JAMESDATTA, ANIMESH
A setup time of a single device propagation delay is provided for a received enable signal. When each of a clock signal, the enable signal and a delayed clock signal is asserted, an evaluate node of the clock gating circuit is discharged. When each of the clock signal and a second clock...
United States Application US20180167058 Note: If you have problems viewing the PDF, please make sure you have the latest version ofAdobe Acrobat. Back to full text
A low-power low-setup integrated clock gating (ICG) cell is disclosed. The disclosed ICG cell includes a NOR gate configured to receive an enable (E) signal and a test enable (SE) signal, and to output an EN signal. The ICG cell may include a complex gate configured to receive the ...