let us just agree on a delivery time based on the GMT time zone. Our customer may be in Japan and want the translation delivered by 4pm its time, before the end of its working day. According to the table above, where JST is +9, 4pm would be 7am GMT time. And if you are a ...
/usr/local/etc/zoneinfo } { if { [file isdirectory $path] } { lappend ZoneinfoPaths $path } } # Define the directories for time zone data and message catalogs. variable DataDir [file join $LibDir tzdata] # Number of days in the months, in common years and leap years. variable Day...
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)# locale language en show clock To display the system clock, use the show clock command in XR EXEC mode. show clock [detail] Syntax Description detail (Optional) Indicates the time zone, time source, and current summer time setting (if any). ...
Sets the time zone for display. show clock Displays the clock settings. clock summer-time To configure the system to switch automatically to summer time (daylight saving time), use theclocksummer-timecommand in global configuration mode. To remove the daylight saving time setting, use...
jst.bmp Common\Graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\lft.bmp Common\Graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\line.bmp Common\Graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\linestyl.bmp Common\Graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\mapnet.bmp Common\Graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\mcr.bmp Common\Graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\new.bmp Common\Graphics\bitmaps\tlbr...
Sets the time zone for display. show clock Displays the clock settings. clock summer-time To configure the system to switch automatically to summer time (daylight saving time), use theclocksummer-timecommand in global configuration mode. To remove the daylight saving time setting, use thenoform...