或者使用latch/reg结构,设计一个防抖的时钟切换,但是无论门控信号的产生有多么复杂,只要符合门控适中的结构,最后的clock gating check的点位是不会发生变化的,只是一个好的时钟生成(clock-gen)的设计,可以对STA更友好的,推进项目质量和加速项目收敛,这也是一个有经验的设计工程师的基本修为。 时钟是周期的变化,如果...
C. Oh, S. Kim, and Y. Shin, "Timing analysis of dual-edge-triggered flip- flop based circuits with clock gating," in Proc. Int. Conf. Integr. Circuits Des. Tech., May 2009, pp. 59-62.C. Oh. S. Kim. and Y. Shin. "Timing analysis of dual-edge-triggered flip-flop based ...
clock gating一般为了预防glitch的发生会用一级DFF用负缘去latch住enable讯号,在用这个DFF的输出 去和Clock作AND。而这个AND就会是gating cell。因此你可以看到,在你的timing report中上面的clock是用rising edge来看 而下面经过的AND2D1是用falling edge来看,因此hold time一定是不过的。但是通常enable讯...
But now I run into trouble during the timing analysis. Quartus recognized that the gated clock is derived from the main clock and issues setup/hold violations with respect to the main clock. I think the multi cycle statement could solve this, as there is some time between the input into ...
set_clock_gating_check before 'Place' to add margin for compensating the latency of ICG cell in clock tree. remove_clock_gating_check after CTS for using the value of gating check in library instead of ICG timing check by tool. 阎浮提:后端Timing基础概念之:为何ICG容易出现setup violation?
我要更低的功耗 (设计通过powerpro 添加更多的ICG 上去,ICG的效率提上去。尽量不要有组合逻辑clock gating检查。) DFT:我要配值更少的PLL (尽量相同频率的逻辑用一个PLL 去拉通,更多的PLL 需要更多的tdr 配值增加面积还带来不确定性)。我要更少的occ (相同频率的fanout 尽量垫一个occ, 更少的occ ,更少的...
关于clock gating 已经写过:《clock gating | 从ICG cell 在 library 中的定义说起》《clock gating | Gating 的插入与验证》《clock gating | clock gating 的timing check》《clock gating | ODC-based Clock Gating》。最近在学习Joules 20.1 update training 时又接触到了两个新概念:combinational clock gating...
Clock gating system and method A clock gating system and method is disclosed. In a particular embodiment, the system includes an input logic circuit having at least one input to receive at least one input signal and having an output at an internal enable node. A keepe......
A clock-gating circuit insertion method includes inserting a clock-gating circuit into a position detected on the basis of a circuit data. Timing analysis of an enable signal is performed for the clock-gating circuit. An upper limit of delay variations for the enable signal is calculated to sat...
-cts_clock_gating_cells $clock_icgs \ -cts_use_inverters true \ -ccopt_modify_clock_latency true add_ndr -name $ndr_name -width_multiplier {5:8 2} -spacing_multiplier {5:82} -generate_via create_route_type -name TOP -top_preferred_layer M8 -bottom_preferred_layer M5 -preferred_...