Clock gating is an effective way of reducing the dynamic power dissipation in digital circuits. In a typical synchronous circuit such as the general purpose microprocessor, only a portion of the circuit is active at any given time. Hence, by shutting down the idle portion of the circuit, the...
For example, if the RTL is coded as below, DC checks the synchronous load enable signal clk_en in all the possible flops and then uses clk_en as one of the enable condition to gate the corresponding flops. always@(posedge clk or negedge reset) This method can be used for all the...
The clock gating checks often do not get the attention that they deserve early in the design cycle. Most of the EDA tools employed for CTS building deploy the clock gating cells as much close to the root as possible to save on dynamic power. This increases the amount of negative skew and...
A 4-Cycle-Start-Up Reference-Clock-Less All-Digital Burst-Mode CDR based on Cycle-Lock Gated-Oscillator with Frequency Tracking Tetsuya Iizuka∗†, Norihito Tohge†, Satoshi Miura‡, Yoshimichi Murakami‡, Toru Nakura∗† and Kunihiro Asada∗† ∗VLSI Design and Education Center...
First, it checks all of the data bits of the bus 132 to ensure that they all have the same value as each data bit is captured since the same data are transmitted on each data bit of the bus 132. The same comparison is performed on the bus 134. In the second comparison, the ...
II. DATA DRIVEN CLOCK GATING A data-driven clock gating circuit is shown in Fig. 1. By XORing gate its output with the present input of Integrated Clock Circuit that will appear at its output in the next clock cycle, an FF checks whether its state is subject to change, thus finding ...
ACTIVITY CORRELATION BASED OPTIMAL CLUSTERING FOR CLOCK GATING FOR ULTRA-LOW POWER VLSIA clustering bus-specific clock gating method is described to reduce the dynamic power consumed by redundant clock ticks in gate-level. The method exploits correlations between flip-flops for clock gating. An ...
ACTIVITY CORRELATION BASED OPTIMAL CLUSTERING FOR CLOCK GATING FOR ULTRA-LOW POWER VLSIA clustering bus-specific clock gating method is described to reduce the dynamic power consumed by redundant clock ticks in gate-level. The method exploits correlations between flip-flops for clock gating. An ...
This thesis proposes the integration of a D-Latch based clock gating cell into the OSU VLSIARCH SKY130 standard cell set, for power optimization purposes. In practice, clock gating is highly effective and easy to implement, making it ideal for standard cell set characterization. The integration ...
Clock gating is a technique that can be used to control the power dissipated by clock net. The proposed work is implemented using clock gating technique in order to reduce the power consumption. The previous turbo decoder architectures uses optimal-log based algorithm which has the complexity ...