目前主流的综合工具(Synopsys Design Compiler、Cadence Genus)均支持自动插入时钟门控电路(Clock Gating Cell,CG)。由于时钟门控电路本身也会影响电路性能、功耗、面积,综合工具在作优化时,会保证相比不加ICG单元的情况下,其PPA指标更好。 对于前端设计人员,需要注意所写的HDL能够被识别成能够插入ICG的电路,即HDL中能...
集成时钟门控单元(Integrated Clock Gating Cell) 时钟门控是一种常用的技术,通过时钟使能信号,关闭进入后续模块的时钟来降低功耗。简单的时钟门控功能只需要一个"与门”或“或门”,但往往存在问题。假设使用带时钟的与门,高电平EN边沿的到来可能与时钟边沿不一致。在这种情况下,时钟信号将会出现故障。 为了避免这种...
The clock gating cell includes two latches that can be configured as a flip-flop to use positive/negative edges of a first clock signal to store a value of an input terminal, and the clock gating cell also includes a selector used for the flip-flop to select from values of different ...
clockgating技术的基本原理以及多种适用于不同芯片电路 结构的clockgating技术。 关键词:动态功耗时钟树clockgating技术 TP752A1007-9416(2015)09-0000-00 随着半导体工业的发展和工艺的深入,VLSI(超大规 模集成电路)设计正迅速地向着规模越来越大,工作频率越 ...
There is another problem with above latch based clock gating. The wire between latch output and AND gate input needs to be carefully routed, else it would result in weird violations. But you know, that’s also been resolved. You just need to find out how, in mySTA-2 course. ...
In this paper, we focus on achieving lower power for existing IPs and the importance of architecture level clock gating and EDA Tool inserted clock gating. Keywords—Low Power, Internet of Things, EDA, Clock Gating I. INTRODUCTION Internet of Things (IoT) is a new era of computing whic...
Several efficient design techniques have been proposed to reduce both dynamic as well as static power in state-of-the-art VLSI circuit applications. With the scaling of technology and the need for higher performance and more functionality, power dissipation is becoming a major bottleneck for ...
We finally present the covering problem arising in a new method called look-ahead clock-gating, for which the question of whether the exact covering problem is easy or difficult is left open. 展开 关键词: Exact covering Perfect matching VLSI power minimization Clock-gating ...
Low-power low-setup integrated clock gating cell with complex enable selection A low-power low-setup integrated clock gating (ICG) cell is disclosed. The disclosed ICG cell includes a NOR gate configured to receive an enable (E) signal and a test enable (SE) signal, and to output an EN ...