DataBlade developers can create indexes on CLOB data types. The disadvantages of the CLOB data type are as follows: It is allocated in whole disk pages, so a short item wastes space. Restrictions apply on how you can use a CLOB column in an SQL statement. (See Use smart large objects....
JDBC metadata type (java.sql.Types) CLOB Use thegetClobmethod on thejava.sql.ResultSetto retrieve a CLOB handle to the underlying data. Related information SeeMapping of java.sql.Blob and java.sql.Clob interfaces. Example String url = "jdbc:derby:clobberyclob;create=true"; Connection conn ...
(一)、创建表(使用sql或者直接在PL/SQL客户端创建),字段类型CLOB -- Create table create table TEMP ( name VARCHAR2(200), age NUMBER, temp_clob CLOB ) tablespace INSIGHTDATA3_TS pctfree 10 initrans 1 maxtrans 255 storage ( initial 160K next 1M minextents 1 maxextents unlimited ); 1. 2....
VARCHAR2既分PL/SQL Data Types中的变量类型,也分Oracle Database中的字段类型,不同场景的最大长度不同。 在Oracle Database中,VARCHAR2 字段类型,最大值为4000;PL/SQL中 VARCHAR2 变量类型,最大字节长度为32767。 当VARCHAR2 容纳不下我们需要存储的信息时,就出来的Oracle的大数据类型LOB( Large Object,大型对...
需求:以开发的存储过程为例,需要循环遍历时间范围拼接sql,将时间日期按列反转(pivot),如果时间太长(1年以上)sql语句(varchar2)就会超出范围报错,这时候就需要使用CLOB来存储拼接的sql。 PROCEDURE P_AND_CPT_RATIOOTH_APP_BAK2_N( V_APPIDS IN VARCHAR2, V_TYPE IN VARCHAR2, V_CHANNEL IN VARCHAR2, V_...
In SQL Window, when I type select * from ;PL/SQL developer displays <Value Error> for the data under the CLOB column.How do I get PL/SQL developer to display the CLOB data ?I have 2 databases. When I connect to one, the query displays the CLOB. But when I connect to the other...
06502, 00000, "PL/SQL: numeric or value error%s"// *Cause: An arithmetic, numeric, string, conversion, or constraint error // occurred. For example, this error occurs if an attempt is made to // assign the value NULL to a variable declared NOT NULL, or if an // ...
sqlCon VARCHAR2(5000); --Query condition(查询条件)TYPE tmparray IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(5000) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;arrayPrimaryKeys tmparray; --To save the analyse result of primary_Key_Column_names (暂存分析后得到的主键名)arrayPrimaryKeyValues tmparray; --To save the ...
select"c_str",sum("c1")fromTESTDATA.BASIC_STRINGgroupby"c_str"; SQL0134N Improperuseofastringcolumn, hostvariable,constant,orfunction"c_str".SQLSTATE=42907 Resolving the problem You can alter the column that causes the failure to reduce its size to something that can be used...
col_array dbms_sql.varchar2_table; --列数组 -- BEGIN dbms_output.ENABLE(buffer_size => NULL); maxcol := 0; -- FOR tabrec IN tabcur LOOP --循环表 SELECT Count(column_id) INTO maxcol FROM sys.dba_tab_columns WHERE table_name = tabrec.table_name ...