raise Exception("ClipVision model not found.") 这段代码会在执行时抛出一个Exception异常,并显示异常信息“ClipVision model not found.”。这有助于开发者在调试时快速定位问题。 综上所述,你可以使用上述代码片段来在你的Python程序中抛出表示“ClipVision模型未找到”的异常。
I have fixed the error: Error occurred when executing IPAdapterUnifiedLoader: ClipVision model not found. After spending a whole working day to consult to fix this annoying error, I found a way to fix this error thanks to a member on reddit! How to fix: download these models according to...
found = len(image_encoder_models) > 0 if not found: context.logger.warning( f"The image encoder required by this IP Adapter ({image_encoder_model_name}) is not installed." ) context.logger.warning("Downloading and installing now. This may take a while.") ...
🙁 BTW,we also found that directly resizing input images will lead a poor performance for most tasks. We could try to add the resize step into the training but it always destroys the image quality due to interpolation. 🙁 For the inpainting task our current model only supports face inpain...
clip_chk_pt_path: path to the checkpoint of the pre-trained Mammo-CLIP model dataset: dataset name, e.g., ViNDr or RSNA data_frac: fraction of the dataset to use for training, e.g., 1.0, 0.5 etc arch: architecture of the model, e.g., upmc_breast_clip_det_b5_period_n_lp for...