Clippy 是一个 CSS clip-atch 属性绘制工具,使用它可以轻松绘制不同的几可形状的。 clip-path是 CSS 中的一个裁剪属性,用于裁剪元素,通过此属性可以实现类似PS蒙版一样效果。若使用clip-path制作多边形的裁切图案,需要计算坐标位置,如: .element { clip-path: polygon(x1 y1, x2 y2, x3 y3, …); } 从...
clip-path有几大类,分别为: basic-shape: 基本图形,包括inset()、circle()、ellipse()、polygon() clip-source: 通过url()方法引用一段 SVG 的<clipPath>来作为剪裁路径 geometry-box: 单独使用时会将指定框的边缘作为剪裁路径,或者配合basic-shape使用,用于定义剪裁的参考框(Reference Box)(由于该属性浏览器支...
Shape up your website with CSS clip-paths. Contribute to bennettfeely/clippy development by creating an account on GitHub.
通过CSS clip-path 裁剪各种形状背景 阅读详情 -> Clippy — CSS clip-path maker. 下载级别 内容: 模板调用标记: {dede:field.daccess /}{dede:field.daccess /} 0需要金币 内容: 模板调用标记: {dede:field.needmoney /}{dede:field.needmoney /} 0课程...
Clippy is a tool for generating values for shape functions for the new and cool CSS clip-path property. The property accepts several basic shapes that will be able to create with Clippy and their current implementation status: circle() Currently disabled, still buggy when using a ratio that's...
Clippy is a tool for generating values for shape functions for the new and cool CSS clip-path property. The property accepts several basic shapes that will be able to create with Clippy and their current implementation status: circle() Currently disabled, still buggy when using a ratio that's...