[External] Update Clipper2 library Browse filesBrowse the repository at this point in the history Loading branch information loumalouomegacommittedAug 25, 2023 1 parent4499511commit0c9b824 Show file tree Hide file tree Showing9 changed fileswith5,598 additionsand4,903 deletions....
(Clipper2 SHARED ${SRC}) set_target_properties(Clipper2 PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "Clipper2") # 安装静态库 install(TARGETS Clipper2_static ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib) # 安装动态库 install(TARGETS Clipper2 LIBRARY DESTINATION lib) # 安装头文件 install(DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/ DESTINATION...
A Path Clipping and Offsetting library. A port ofClipper2(C#) version 1.2.3 to js/ts. Examples constsubj=newPathsD();constclip=newPathsD();subj.push([{x:100,y:50},{x:10,y:79},{x:65,y:2},{x:65,y:98},{x:10,y:21}]);clip.push(Clipper.makePathD([98,63,4,68,77,8,...
Security Insights Additional navigation options main 2Branches5Tags Code README BSL-1.0 license Clipper2 WASM TheClipper2library performsintersection,union,differenceandXORboolean operations on both simple and complex polygons. It also performs polygon offsetting. ...
中文翻译: https://github.com/MartinChan3/ClipperDocCN https://blog.csdn.net/bycy0801/article/details/81120873 同类软件: GPC – General Polygon Clipper library http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~toby/alan/software/文章标签: 定位技术 y2hr4cjzssnlm +关注 682文章 0 0 0 0 相关...
Clipper Library(以下简称为Clipper库或ClipperLib或Clipper)提供了对线段和多边形的裁剪(Clipping)以及偏置(offseting)的功能 和其他的裁剪库相比,Clipper具有以下特征: 1. 它能够接受各类多边形输入,包含自交的多边形 2. 它支持多种填充规则(奇偶填充、非零填充、正填充、负填充) ...
SFX by BOOM Library$349.00Urban USA 3D Surround or Stereo SFX by BOOM Library$349.00Enrage SFX by BOOM Library$295.00Everyday Cars SFX by BOOM Library$19.00QFX Smush Foldback Distortion by 2B Played Music$49.00OVC-128 Clipper by Voxengo$51.00MCombMB ...
Smith, Susan W
Clipper Runs out of Puff and Is Set for UTC Takeover [Edition 2]
can also be accessed from other programming languages by dynamically linking to exported functions in theC++ compiled Clipper2 library. (Since the C++ compiled code ismeasurablyfaster, C# and Delphi developers may also prefer this approach in applications where the library's performance is critical.)...