clipper2-lib-js A Path Clipping and Offsetting library. A port ofClipper2(C#) version 1.2.3 to js/ts. Examples constsubj=newPathsD();constclip=newPathsD();subj.push([{x:100,y:50},{x:10,y:79},{x:65,y:2},{x:65,y:98},{x:10,y:21}]);clip.push(Clipper.makePathD([98,...
链接: Clipper.js:中文手册 链接: Clipper.js下载地址: 使用Javascript Clipper库,您可以通过多种方式修改路径(多边形和折线)的几何形状。 详细文档说明:https://www....
Clipper1 WASM repository: clipper1 Intersection EvenOdd 5000 ops 5000 points: 2898.5 ms clipper2 Intersection EvenOdd 5000 ops 5000 points: 2061.5 ms 28.88% improvement clipper1 Union EvenOdd 5000 ops 5000 points: 3812.699999988079 ms clipper2 Union...
WebAssembly port of the Clipper2 library for polygon clipping and offsetting. Latest version: 1.4.0, last published: 4 months ago. Start using @dexus1985/clipper2-wasm in your project by running `npm i @dexus1985/clipper2-wasm`. There are no other projec
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three.js是JavaScript编写的WebGL第 三方库。 three.js是JavaScript编写的WebGL第 三方库。提供了非常多的3D显示功能。Three.js 是一款运行在浏览器中的 3D 引擎,你可以用它创建各种三维场景,包括了摄影机、光影、材质等各种对象。你可以在它的主页上看到许多精彩的演示。不过,这款引擎目前还处在比较不成熟的 ...
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Manufacturing Method For Arc Type Nail Clipper Blade, and Its Nail Clipper Blade and Its Nail ClipperThe present invention relates to a method of manufacturing arc type blades for a nail clipper, which corresponds to a curved surface of a finger nail, arc type blades and a nail clipper ...
.eslintrc.js style: fix eslint error May 12, 2021 .gitignore feat: add ci script Jun 20, 2020 .prettierrc style: line code May 26, 2019 .yarnrc 🏗️ delete scss config from webapck and delete node-scss and scss loader Jan 12, 2020 Dockerfile fix: fix firefox release script Jul...
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