Clipper Card是旧金山湾区的交通卡,适用于公交、地铁、缆车(Cable Car)、BART等多种交通工具。使用它不仅方便,还能省钱,比单次购票更划算,还能享受折扣。 🌟如何获取Clipper Card? 实体卡: 可以在旧金山机场、Walgreens、CVS等零售店购买,工本费是$3。 也可以通过Clipper官网订购。我试过,网站信息为主,其他操作需...
📍 Clipper交通卡使用范围 Clipper交通卡覆盖湾区几乎所有公共交通系统,包括Muni、BART、Caltrain、AC Transit、SamTrans等。使用Clipper Card付款,你可以享受比现金支付更优惠的价格。例如,Muni Bus或Muni Metro的现金票价为2.75美元,而使用Clipper Card只需2.5美元。不过,乘坐Cable Car时,现金和Clipper Card的票价相同。
谢谢专门去clipper官网确认了一下,可以坐san jose的vta。而在旧金山是什么都能用的,非常方便。bart全称...
谢谢专门去clipper官网确认了一下,可以坐san jose的vta。而在旧金山是什么都能用的,非常方便。bart全称...
BART says not enough Clipper card cheats for fixDenis Cuff
the $5 I didn’t get back on my card didn’t seem worth hours on the phone. And now, my card is blocked even though it has enough funds. No reason given. There is no information, and the app seems to have deleted everything - when I try to access my profile, I get a blank ...
You can register a new card, load cash value and transit passes, set up Autoload, view your recent activity, and other features. Sign in and out of multiple Clipper accounts in the Clipper app to manage a card on behalf of someone else. Plan Your Trip The Clipper app has real-time ...
The Clipper Card is available from kiosk machines ate very BART station, and man other locations, too. At this time, there is no inter-agency time-based pass (such as weekly). You either pay each fare from the value you have loaded onto your card/app, or you can purchase a time-...
The Clipper card will recognize and honor free transfers between County Connection, Tri Delta Transit, Wheels, WestCAT, SolTrans, and FAST at shared transit stops. BART transfer fares will be recognized and deducted accordingly ($1.00 for adult riders and $0.50 for Clipper START/youth/senior/RTC...
Answer 1 of 6: Hi, can I have both the 3 day passport and cash value on clipper card via app. I will probably use Bart to/from the airport and Muni/cable car getting around the city.