The Clipper app gives you step-by-step instructions for setting up a new Clipper card or transferring an existing Clipper card to your Apple Wallet. Manage Your Account The Clipper app gives you the same account access as the website, but on your iPhone! You can register a new card, load...
不过别担心,我们可以使用官方Clipper Card的app来实现。通过这款app,你可以使用国内的VISA或Master卡来支付。💸📲 下载并打开app(可能需要更换其他区的Apple账号),选择中文界面(翻译可能有点奇怪哦)。输入邮箱注册账号,然后选择将Clipper Card添加到Wallet中。接下来,按照提示充值和添加卡片就好啦!💳🔍 在app里,...
Clipper is the all-in-one transit card used for contactless fare payments throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. The new Clipper app lets you manage your Clipper account from your iPhone—add value, view your history, and plan your trip! Download the Clipper app today! Pay with Your iPhone...
1️⃣ 首先,下载Clipper card App。不过要注意,你需要更改苹果ID的国家地区才能下载这个App,因为在中国大陆是无法直接下载的。2️⃣ 在App里,你可以绑定国内的Visa信用卡并进行充值。充值成功后,App会提示你添加到钱包。3️⃣ 添加成功后,你就可以在苹果钱包里使用Clipper卡了。记得查看卡余额和传递信息,...
旧金山交通卡 Clipper Card 上线Apple Pay,最低充值3美元可开卡 点击展开,查看完整图片 点击展开,查看完整图片 点击展开,查看完整图片 点击展开,查看完整图片 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2021-04-16 08:52回复 佐佐介 人气楷模 12 残念,我的 SmarTrip 卡一直申请不了,因为网站也好 app 也好不支持国内发行的...
Although the new Clipper system will not allow multiple fares to be paid using a single mobile or physical card, transit agencies will have the option to provide "mobile tickets" through the Clipper app. These mobile tickets enable groups of people to pay for their fares using just one phone...
🌟如何获取Clipper Card? 实体卡: 可以在旧金山机场、Walgreens、CVS等零售店购买,工本费是$3。 也可以通过Clipper官网订购。我试过,网站信息为主,其他操作需要通过APP,但APP下载不了,不知道是不是因为国内ID的原因。 电子卡: 可以通过Apple Wallet或Google Wallet添加,然后输入金额充值。 亲测国内银行卡用不了,...
Download Notebook app on your devices today from and boost your productivity. What can you clip? * Be it a new recipe you want to try or the next place you want to visit, clip text, images, or links into a note card, and save to a specific note...
The 'Screenshot’ option quickly saves the screenshot as a Photo Card. You can choose to clip the entire page, or the visible view or only a part of the page. * Annotate images / screenshots before you add those in Notebook. We've added a complete annotation tool...
Best ways to get from ClipperCard Office to CorePower Yoga Alternative transportation options BikingPublic TransitTaxiDrivingWalking MORE INFORMATION CorePower Yoga Breathe, flow, sweat - together. Discover the magic that happens when physical meets mindful. The power of practice is yours - wherever ...