At Western Canoe Kayak, we are Canada’s source for all things canoes, and we offer the best brands, like Clipper. Shop our Clipper Canoes online today!
For options and features please visit the Clipper Canoes website.Tripper 'S' 16'6" Canoe Decrease Quantity of undefined Increase Quantity of undefined Choose Options Related Products Clipper Tripper 17'6" Canoe Clipper Caribou 'S' 15'3" Canoe Sale Jackson Kayak Tripper 12 C$2,035.00...
网站站长 : Western Canoeing and Kayaking 电子信箱 : 访问速度 : ms,比%网站快 反向链接 : 39 收录日期 : 30-Apr-1998 联系电话 : +1 604 853 9320, Fax: +1 604 606 5726 详细地址 : CANADA 网站简介 : Designs and manufactures composite canoes and offers over 40 model...