针对您遇到的 ReferenceError: ClipboardItem is not defined 错误,我们可以从以下几个方面进行排查和解决: 1. 确认ClipboardItem的使用环境 ClipboardItem 是Web API 的一部分,用于在 Web 应用中操作剪贴板的内容。它主要用于异步剪贴板 API,如 navigator.clipboard.writeText() 或navigator.clipboard.write()。因此,...
使用时传参,就是上边的 seajs.use(['jquery', 'clipboard'],function($,Clipboard){ //你的代码 }) Clipboard这个参数一定要写,不然就会报错:Uncaught ReferenceError: Clipboard is not defined 可怜我找了辣么久的错误………当然,如果你的代码还有问题的话,可以在 clipboard.min.js 外面包上一层: define(f...
如果项目中用到了 requirejs,会出现 Uncaught ReferenceError: Clipboard is not defined,可是文件确实都引入进去了的,死活找不到答案,最好各种百度菜找到答案, 这是因为在有requirejs时,Clipboard不会把自己暴露为全局变量。 可以把Clipboard定义到requirejs的配置模块,然后如下使用: define(['clipboard'],function(clip...
报错代码:Uncaught ReferenceError: Clipboard is not defined var webpack=require('webpack'); var path=require('path'); var ex = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin"); var packCSS = new ex('./css/[name].min.css',{allChunks: true}); // var HtmlWebpackPlugin=require('html-webpack-pl...
ReferenceError: ClipboardItem is not defined 然而在Chrome和Edge浏览器是正常的,原因是火狐FireFox浏览器默认是限制使用的,故要设置参数: dom.events.asyncClipboard.clipboardItem -> true 在火狐FireFox浏览器中如何设置config参数,请参考前面文章,请点击这里查看。
报错代码:Uncaught ReferenceError: Clipboard is not defined var webpack=require('webpack'); var path=require('path'); var ex = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin"); var packCSS = new ex('./css/[name].min.css',{allChunks: true}); // var HtmlWebpackPlugin=require('html-webpack-pl...
使用Clipboard实现剪切板,用require引入js资源,会报错Clipboard is not defined的问题 很简单只要修改一下Clipboard的源码,增加一条: var Clipboard = fuction(){...}; //在Clipboard定义后面增加 $.Clipboard = Clipboard;//这是我增加的代码 var clipboard = new $.Clipboard('.btn', { ...
Thetext/htmldata type is not written using the expectedCF_HTMLformat.clipboard-polyfilldoesnottry to work around this, since 1) it would require fragile browser version sniffing, 2) users of Edge are not generally stuck on version < 17, and 3) the failure mode for other browsers would be...
This isn't the solution. That's like: "Hmm my car is not working" You: "Take the chopper". I can't copy/paste anything. It's not just print screen. I can't copy graphics from my browser or any other application either. But thanks for trying. Votes Upvote T...
e.clearSelection(); }); copyBtn.on("error",function(e){//复制失败;console.log( e.action ) }); 这里的ClipboardJS在实例化时, 如果报错:clipboard is not defined 解决办法就是如下: newClipboardJS(obj) 原因就是 Clipboard.JS版本是2.0及以上版本 ...