AnimationClip.SampleAnimation public void SampleAnimation (GameObject go, float time); 参数 go 动画游戏对象。 time 对动画进行采样的时间。描述 在给定时间针对任何动画属性对动画进行采样。出于性能原因,建议使用 Animation 界面。这将在给定的 time 对animation 进行采样。在该剪辑中的任何动画组件属性均将被替换...
AnimationClip.SampleAnimation public void SampleAnimation (GameObject go, float time); 参数 go 动画游戏对象。 time 对动画进行采样的时间。描述 在给定时间针对任何动画属性对动画进行采样。出于性能原因,建议使用 Animation 界面。这将在给定的 time 对animation 进行采样。在该剪辑中的任何动画组件属性均将被替换...
SampleAnimation is useful when you need to jump between frames in an unordered way or based on some special input.See Also: Animation. using UnityEngine; using System.Collections;public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { public AnimationClip clip; void Update() { clip.SampleAnimation(gameObject,...
SampleAnimation is useful when you need to jump between frames in an unordered way or based on some special input.See Also: Animation. using UnityEngine; using System.Collections;public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { public AnimationClip clip; void Update() { clip.SampleAnimation(gameObject,...
In this article APIs Demonstrated Usage Requirements Downloading the Sample Related topics Shows how to use Microsoft Media Foundation to decode audio from a media file.The Audio Clip sample application reads audio data from a media file and writes the uncompressed audio to a WAVE file.APIs...
This sample is a command-line application. It uses the following command-line arguments:syntax คัดลอก audioclip.exe inputfile outputfile.wav inputfile: The name of a file that contains an audio stream. outputfile.wav: The name of the WAVE file to write....
爱给网提供海量的免费商用 (cc协议)资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为wav 格式的MGS剪辑样本V3 KK(mgs clip sample v3 by kk), 本站编号35688231, 该免费商用 (cc协议)素材大小为6m, 时长为01:13, 声道为单声道, 音质为HQ高品质, 比特率为705k, 采样率为44100k, 许可范围为可商用,署名,协议名称为CC署名...
E-Clip Psytrance Sample Pack Vol 1 WAV | 音频 | 427 MB 用于Psytrance 制作人的 E-Clip 样品包。 示例包包含: 12 个 Kicks、12 个 Basses、19 个 Snares、12 个 Closed Hihats、8 个 Open Hihats、10 个 Hihat Loops、12 个 Crashes、20 个 Top Loops、23 个 Sequence、98 个 One shot Fxes...
To run the sample This sample is a command-line application. It uses the following command-line arguments: audioclip.exe inputfile outputfile.wav where inputfile: The name of a file that contains an audio stream. outputfile.wav: The name of the WAVE file to write....
This sample is a command-line application. It uses the following command-line arguments:syntax نسخ audioclip.exe inputfile outputfile.wav inputfile: The name of a file that contains an audio stream. outputfile.wav: The name of the WAVE file to write....