解决IDEA警告:The file size exceeds configured limit (5.12MB). Code insight features are not available. 报错详情&原因: The file size (5.13MB) exceeds configured limit (5.12MB). Code insight features are not available. 翻译一下就是:文件大小超出了设定值,IDEA不再对这个文件的进行代码解析了 与之...
一、问题表现: 1.某个java类确定存在项目中,却在引用处提示找不到该类 2.对应的类文件中提示 the file size(3.40M) exceeds configured limit(2.56M).Code insight features are not available 3.对应的文件显示为 **.java 与其他文件不同,没有显示该文件是一个Class 二、原因:该文件字节过大 #... ...
LOG_IF_EVERY_N(INFO, (size > 1024), 10) << "Got the " << google::COUNTER << "th big cookie";Instead of outputting a message every nth time, you can also limit the output to the first n occurrences:LOG_FIRST_N(INFO, 20) << "Got the " << google::COUNTER << "th cookie"...