.mm文件无法自动格式化 所有.mm文件都会显示警告:"This file does not belong to any project target; code insight features might not work properly."然而,我已经正确地将这些文件添加到了CMakeLists中,而且项目可以正常编译和运行。 无法从函数定义跳转到声明 .mm文件中没有“选中某单词,同时高亮相同单词”这样...
简介:clion中cpp文件显示This file does not belong to any project ,code insight features might not work【解决方案】 问题 cpp文件上方出现 This file does not belong to any project ,code insight features might not work properly,并且main函数无法运行 解决方案 第一步:修改下CMakeLists.txt文件 为了以后...
cpp文件上方出现 This file does not belong to any project ,code insight features might not work properly,并且main函数无法运行 解决方案 第一步:修改下CMakeLists.txt文件 为了以后方便,我们先修改下CMakeLists.txt文件 CMakeLists.txt: # 遍历项目根目录下所有的.cpp 文件file(GLOB_RECURSEfiles*.cpp)fore...
whereas they would prefer to simply skip all the frames without sources. That’s why we’ve relocated the functionality to theForce Step IntoShift+Alt+F7action, while
Navigate to Settings | Appearance & Behavour | Appearance | Tree Views to configure options for tree views. Sort By Name Sort files alphabetically by their names. The option does not affect the order of folders, they are always sorted alphabetically. Type Sort files by their extensions. The ...
are source files (for CMake projects, if a file icon does not have this overlay badge, it means that the file is not included inCMakeLists.txt). VCS status indication VCS integrationis enabled for the project, CLion uses colors to denote VCS file status in the Project tool window. For...
Determining if the C compiler works failed with the following output:Change Dir: D:/project/assemble/proj3 + exam/cmake-build-debug/CMakeFiles/CMak...
解决clion中the file does not belong to any project 的问题,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
先看整张图: 看几个点:1、最直观的slamBase.h头文件的文本编辑页面上方有:Thisfiledoesnotbelongtoanyprojecttarget,code.../in-clion-header-only-library-file-does-not-belong-to-any-project-target-code原因可能就是没有关联include文件夹。 右键点击include文件夹,选择Mark Directotry ...
This command opens the description of the Project tool window in the CLion online help. Title bar buttons Item Shortcut Description Navigate from a file in the editor to the corresponding node (file, class, field, method, and so on) in the Project tool window. This icon is not avail...