"CMake Error: Could not find CMAKE_ROOT":这个错误通常是由于cmake的路径配置问题引起的。解决方法是确保cmake的路径正确配置,并且在Clion的设置中指定正确的cmake路径。 "undefined reference to...":这个错误通常是由于链接错误引起的,表示找不到对应的函数或变量的定义。解决方法是检查代码中是否正确引用了相关...
CMake Error: Could not find CMAKE_ROOT !!!CMake has most likely not been installed correctly.因为今天整好了,所以详细的报错截图没有了,但报错语句就是上面这个,我对CMake不太了解怎么看怎么不明白,只有多次卸载Clion,安装Clion,卸载cygwin,安装cygwin,卸载mingw,安装mingw,经过我多次测试,认真分析,慎密排查...
CMake 选项,添加以下行:-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<.vcpkg-root>/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake e.g. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE = C:\Users\Administrator\.vcpkg-clion\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake-DVCPKG_INSTALLED_DIR = E:/workForClion/vcpkg_prj/cmake-build-debug/vcpkg_installed-DVCPKG_...
在“CMake”部分,点击“Reset Cache and Reload Project”(重置缓存并重新加载项目)按钮。这将强制CLion重新检测cmake。 如果CLion仍然未检测到cmake,可以尝试手动指定cmake的路径。在“CMake”部分,点击“...”按钮,然后选择WSL中cmake的安装路径。 通过以上步骤,应该能够解决CLion在WSL中未检测到cmake的问题。这...
. Then, Find Usages works. So, that's good. However, in order to tell the compiler where function definitions and such are located, I need to manually mention each .cpp file from the external dir in CMakeLists.txt. However, trying to mention any file from the external dir in CMake...
For both GDB and LLDB, CLion now supports reading.gdbinit/.lldbinitfrom the project root(previously CLion could only read these files from the User’s home directory). This allows you to tune the debugger’s behavior without affecting all the projects on your machine. Note that to enable thi...
If you need to run the installation with root privileges, use theCMake Targetoption instead. RunorDebugthe configuration. To prevent building the targets twice, exclude theBuildstep after addingInstall. As a result, the targets you specified in theinstallcommands will be built and put into the...
Note that CLion will not have access to any passwords - the authorization is carried out via a system dialog. After the configured time runs out, the already running processes with root privileges will continue to run, but no new elevated process will be able to start until you authorize tha...
CLion has configuration options for toolchains, but it appears completely independent - there does not appear to be a way to have it use existing CMake toolchain files. Having it use existing CMake toolchain files is attractive as both the IDE and a build server, for example, could utiliz...
"${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11") include_directories("C:\\www\\cpp\\boost_1_62_0") set(BOOST_ROOT "C:\\www\\cpp\\boost_1_62_0") set(BOOSTROOT "C:\\www\\cpp\\boost_1_62_0") find_package(Boost 1.62.0) if(NOT Boost_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find boost!"...